About Me Indian Palmistry


I’m Nitin Kumar from India, a country well known for its ancient wisdom, resulting from thousands of years of traditions and I’d like to welcome you to my site and your journey towards exploring your palms and the fascinating art of palm reading. I hope you would find this humble effort of providing a little information from the huge and colossal wealth of classic Indian Vedic palmistry beneficial.

I have been practicing Indian Palmistry for a long time which is predictive palmistry covers practical aspects and provide guidance. During these years I have come across hands of all types and have analyzed lots of hands studying various aspects and interpretations and theories.

A few years ago I started a palmistry forum based on Indian Palmistry which contains articles and learning material regarding Indian Palmistry. I was having a lots of queries and mails on marriage issues, love marriage, relationship, separation, break-up divorce, etc. It is difficult for me to answer each query individually. So recently I have compiled an e-book on this topic of how to read your marriage/love line Line of Love in Palmistry which is now available free to read here.

I am working on learning palm reading online and plan to start online palm reading course soon.

The content and articles on the site are copyrighted and frequently added and updated.