5 Unlucky Signs On Hand - Hindu and Vedic Palmistry
1). Too many lines and zigzag lines all over hand
2). Rahu lines/Worry lines
3). Cross on Mount of Saturn
4). Island on Sun Line
5). Big fork on Marriage Line
Detailed description of inauspicious signs on hand
1). Many lines and zigzag lines all over hand
Too many lines on palm, zigzag lines on palm, lines intersects each other, many crisscrosses on palm indicates more troubles, worries and more tension. Subject could be suffering from indigestion, nervousness, unwanted thoughts, fear and hypertension.
2). Rahu lines/Worry lines
Rahu lines are diagonal lines starting from mount of lower mars inside of life line which indicates problems in life (family problems, business loss, and marriage problems).
Most people have a series of lines that radiate from the base of their thumb towards the life line, sometimes even crossing it. These are known as worry lines, and some people have a few while others have hundreds. Most worry lines are not important, but worry lines that cross your life line could have the potential to affect your health and family. Most of us worry about things that never happen, so if you see lots of worry lines it might be time to relax more and enjoy life.
3). Cross on Mount of Saturn
Cross sign on the mount of Saturn indicates possibility of capital punishment or murder, suicidal tendency, murdered, and unfortunate end of life.
4). Island on Sun Line
Island on Sun Line indicates bankruptcy, debt, financial losses due to wrong decision and cheating, trap in scandal, loss of reputation and eye problems.
5). Forked Marriage Line
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1). Too many lines and zigzag lines all over hand
2). Rahu lines/Worry lines
3). Cross on Mount of Saturn
4). Island on Sun Line
5). Big fork on Marriage Line
Detailed description of inauspicious signs on hand
1). Many lines and zigzag lines all over hand

Too many lines on palm, zigzag lines on palm, lines intersects each other, many crisscrosses on palm indicates more troubles, worries and more tension. Subject could be suffering from indigestion, nervousness, unwanted thoughts, fear and hypertension.
2). Rahu lines/Worry lines

Rahu lines are diagonal lines starting from mount of lower mars inside of life line which indicates problems in life (family problems, business loss, and marriage problems).
Rahu lines are also known as Tension Lines, Worry Lines, and Obstacle Lines on Hand.
3). Cross on Mount of Saturn

Cross sign on the mount of Saturn indicates possibility of capital punishment or murder, suicidal tendency, murdered, and unfortunate end of life.
4). Island on Sun Line
Island on Sun Line indicates bankruptcy, debt, financial losses due to wrong decision and cheating, trap in scandal, loss of reputation and eye problems.
5). Forked Marriage Line

Forked on Marriage line is inauspicious sign which indicates separation due to difference of opinion or due to job in different cities but if fork is big then there are always chances of divorce. Overall fork on marriage line denotes unhappy married Life.
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