Marriage line in palmistry is used to calculate age of marriage and to know future of marriage.
While predicting age of marriage and future of marriage you need to decide according to the gender, country, culture, religion, era and background of the subject, etc.
Marriage Line In Female Hand vs Marriage Line In Male Hand
Mostly marriage line in female hand and male hand are similar, there is not much difference in it and also the signs of second marriage in female hand and male hand are similar, there is not much difference in it.
Also, love marriage line in male/female hand is same, there is not much difference in it.
Divorce Line In Female Hand vs Divorce Line In Male Hand
Signs of divorce in palmistry in female hand and male hand are similar, there is not much difference in it. Bad sign on marriage line or defective marriage line (divorce line) is the main reason of divorce and separation. You will notice more prominent divorce line in female hand than male hand.
Marriage line in palmistry mostly used to predict about below things.
1) Happy marriage or long marriage
2) Divorce, separation or breakup
3) Widowhood (death of partner/spouse)
4) Extramarital affair
5) Murder of partner
6) Marry to rich
7) Two or three marriages/second marriage
8) Calculate marriage age
9) Love marriage or arrange marriage
10) Unmarried
Palmistry Marriage Lines On Male & Female Hand
Marriage Line ( Relationship Lines/Vivah Rekha/विवाह रेखा ) - Your marriage line tells everything about your married life, marriage age, breakup, separation, divorce, love marriage or arrange marriage or how many relationships throughout life, etc.
Marriage lines are present on the sides of both hands (left/right) under the little finger.
In Indian Palmistry there is a most common rule to read marriage line of subject is that you need to check female's or girl's left hand for marriage and right hand of males or boy's for marriage. If marriage line is different on both hands then you need to count deep and darkest line as marriage line.
Also Read: Calculate Your Age By Your Life Line
Signs Of Happy Marriage, Breakup & Separation On Hand
There are so many signs in palmistry denotes Love Marriage, Arrange Marriage, Happily Married, Unmarried, Separation, Divorce and Breakup.
There are also few signs in palmistry denotes Sexual Harassment, Extramarital Affair, Long-distance relationship, Forced Marriage, Arrange Marriage, Caste Marriage and Inter-Caste Marriage.
The things given here regarding Love Marriage, deception and Break up are for the information of beginners/learning palmists and it is requested to readers that they should not apply the same on themselves by looking there hands because by only looking at one sign it is not correct to predict anything.
It requires a lot of practice and therefore readers should be careful not to just read and apply it to themselves and reach to a conclusion and getting worried or happy.
Mostly palmists do not give importance to marriage line compared to other lines because they think that fate line and sun line are the most important lines in hand.
Basic rule about marriage line is that if marriage line is clear, long, having no bad sign on it then it indicates good marriage. Similarly, marriage line with branches or branched marriage line always considered inauspicious.
Most people believe that if subject is having three or four marriage lines on hand (multiple marriage lines) then he/she will be having three or four marriages which is absolutely not true. In this case you need to consider long, clear, dark and deep line as the marriage line.
If marriage line is close to heart line then it indicates marriage in teenage or if marriage line is close to little finger then it indicates late marriage or no marriage.
In India while predicting about marriage age you need to also consider subject's city, caste and religion because mostly upper caste and urban cities people (girls and boys) choose to get married late but in lower caste and villages they prefer to get married early and follow their tradition and culture.
In India most of the time weak marriage line indicates broken engagement or sometimes indicates unsuccessful affair or one-sided love.
In India while predicting about marriage age you need to also consider subject's city, caste and religion because mostly upper caste and urban cities people (girls and boys) choose to get married late but in lower caste and villages they prefer to get married early and follow their tradition and culture.
In India most of the time weak marriage line indicates broken engagement or sometimes indicates unsuccessful affair or one-sided love.
Signs Of Love Marriage - Divorce & Break-up On Hand
Downward Marriage Line On Hand
Fig 1B
Fig-2 (A)
Love Marriage Line On Hand
2. If Fate Line is good and an Influence Line from Mount Of Moon comes and joins Fate Line then it indicates Love Marriage. (fig-2A) After the Joining point if the Fate Line is broken and weak or cuts by influence line then it is possible that Love Marriage may end in Break up or deception in love/affair. This is the most common indicator of love marriage or unsuccessful love affair on hand. (fig-2B)
Divorce Line & Sign On Male & Female Hand
4. If fork is at the beginning of Marriage Line there would be lots of problems in getting married or remaining unmarried or first phase of Married Life is problematic. (fig-4)
5. If Marriage Line is forked and one branch of fork meets with Heart Line then it indicates Extramarital Affair, most probably in blood relation. In this situation Breakup is possible. (fig 5)
7. If a line raised from Heart Line reaches the middle of the fork then it indicates that the person could have a third person in life which could become the cause of his/her death also. (fig-7)
8. If a branch from Head Line reaches the middle of the fork then there would be always tension in Married Life due to difference of opinions. (fig-8)
9. If Fate Line is cut by an Influence Line which comes from Mount Of Venus then it indicates divorce or death of partner and also loss from relative. If Influence Line from Mount Of Moon cuts Fate Line then it indicates Divorce or Breakup and also loss from In both Cases mostly problems created in marriage by relatives, family members and opposite sex. (fig-9)
Fig 10
10. If there is break in Fate Line on Mount Of Rahu and other part of Fate Line goes towards Mount of Jupiter then it indicates Divorce, most of the time the person himself/herself is responsible for Divorce. (fig 10)
Fig 11
11. If Fate Line is cut by Influence Lines which come from Mount Of Positive Mars then it indicates enemies causing problems in love and relationship matters. (fig 11)
Fig 12 A
Fig 12B
Fig 13
Fig 14
Extramarital Line & Sign On Male & Female Hand
There are always chances of secret or extramarital affair with ex-partner or long distance affair/relationship with ex-boyfriend, ex-wife, ex-husband or ex-girlfriend (mostly this is true in western countries/developed countries like USA, UK, and Canada). (fig 14)
(fig 15)
Mostly this happens in 40s but the reason of this type of unethical love/affair with another woman is bad marriage or unsatisfied married life. (fig 15)
16. If a small semi-circle line coming from Little Finger on Mount Of Mercury then it indicates that person will get married in old age due to obligation.
15. If branch of Heart Line goes towards Mount Of Saturn then it indicates an affair. If this branch cut by any Horizontal Line or the branch curved back like hook towards heart line then it indicates unsuccessful affair or affair will ruin person’s life.
Signs Of Divorce & Unhappy Marriage & Separation On Hand
You should always convey it indirectly because predicting this with accuracy needs a lot of experience and practice. Some common major indications about Divorce and Separation are:
If a branch of Fate Line is raised from Mount Of Rahu and cuts the Heart Line then it indicates love not converting in marriage or if converts then the person will get Divorced after a short period of time.
2. If a big fork in Marriage Line then this indicates trouble in Married Life and Divorce but if the fork is not big then it would indicate Separation for some time. (fig 20)
3. If Marriage Line is cut by any Influence Line then it indicates Separation from partner due to any reason.
Fig 22
5. If a branch of Life Line is cut by an Influence Line which is raised from inside of Life Line and goes to Mount Of Saturn then it indicates Divorce.
6. If an Influence Line raised from inside of Life Line goes to Mount Of Saturn and gets forked there then it indicates sad Married Life or Divorce.
7. An Influence Line turned towards Mount Of Venus which runs parallel to the Life Line indicates Separation.
8. An Influence Line raised from a line running parallel to Life Line joins Heart Line indicates Divorce.
9. Branch of Life Line cut by Influence Lines coming from inside of Life Line indicates Divorce.
10. Black mole on marriage line denotes loss of partner in young age, abortion or miscarriage.

12. If many vertical lines bisecting marriage line (vertical lines on marriage line) then it indicates late marriage, obstacles in finding right partner, again and again deception in marriage and love, divorce, bad health of partner, and overall it indicates bad marriage.
How To Know When You Will Get Married - Calculate Your Marriage Age
See below chart or diagram of age calculation of marriage line. Stronger and long line is your marriage line. To learn how to calculate exact year of marriage "Method To Calculate Marriage Age From Position Of Marriage Line On Hand"
If you want to learn more about marriage line palmistry then visit here to read all posts on marriage line - Palm Reading marriage Line

Marriage Line Guide | Secrets Of Marriage Lines
Now I will tell you the secret of marriage line and its relation with other lines. Here you have to assume that the line will be long and strong or sign/yog/combination is clear.
1) Marriage line with travel line indicates abroad travel or long journey just after marriage.
2) Marriage line with double mars line indicates always chances of extramarital affair.
3) Marriage line with sun line or touching sun line indicates rich after marriage.
4) Marriage line close to heartline shows early marriage but if close to little finger then it shows late marriage or no interest in marriage.
5) Straight marriage line is always consider good for marriage and for long lasting relationship.
6) Short marriage line shows unhappy married life.
7) One marriage line (should be long and clear) shows happy marriage and long lasting marriage.
8) Two marriage lines always shows chances of two marriages or two relationships lifetime but you also need to check other signs and lines on hand. If first marriage line is strong that second marriage line then there are less chances of second marriage but if both marriage lines are strong then always chances of two marriages.
9) No marriage line means no interest in marriage (but again check other sings and lines on hand).
10) Crossed marriage line shows subject is not able to find right partner for him/her or there are always chances of deception from partner, not able to maintain long-term relationship, etc.
11) Star, dot, mole, fork, split, island, cross on marriage line are always consider bad shows obstacles in marriage, late marriage or bad marriage.
12) Triangle, square on marriage line are always consider good shows good marriage, success after marriage.
13) Marriage line on female hand is same as marriage line on male hand, so reading and meaning of marriage line is same for both (male and female).
Marriage Line & Divorce Line Related Questions
1) I am a female, according to palmistry which hand should I refer for marriage line?
Ans: As per old theory we need to read left hand of girl and right hand of workingwoman but now we need to give importance to both hands. Always check marriage line of both hands.
2) What does it mean when the marriage line touches the heart line (full heart line) and it has a fork in the starting and end in the middle in palmistry?
Ans: It means there are strong chances of bad health of partner, bad marriage, deception by partner/spouse or many short term relationships.
3) What does it mean? I have 4 marriage lines on my palm but I am 27. I am not married and never been in any relationship before.
Ans: It means that the subject is choosey in matter of marriage, love and relationship and his/her expectations are high from wife or partner and because of this he/she is not able to choose right partner for him/her).
Ans: It means that the subject is choosey in matter of marriage, love and relationship and his/her expectations are high from wife or partner and because of this he/she is not able to choose right partner for him/her).
4) I have a split marriage line in left hand and a single straight marriage line on the right one. How should I interpret it as?
Ans: Split marriage or marriage line divided in two parts means separation due to difference of opinion or due to job in different cities, etc but if marriage line is split in only one palm then there is no need to worry about it as then there are very less chances of separation or separation for only short period of time.
5) I have 3 marriage lines on the left hand and 3 marriage line on the right hand. What does it mean?
Answer: Many marriage lines always does not mean many marriages but it means subject is not able to choose right partner for him/her. We need to consider strong line as marriage line.
6) I'm a female. I have a forked marriage line and the fork goes to Mercury Mount. What does it mean?
Ans: Forked marriage line indicates bad marriage and upward fork on marriage line indicates that subject remain unmarried or troublesome married life due to interference of third person.
7) I have an eye sign on my marriage line. What does it mean?
Ans: Eye sign on marriage line is similar to island on marriage line which shows secret behind marriage or sexual disorder.
There are so many other signs and indications but I have given here the most common which you find in hands but sometimes it is noted that even with these indications a person has good married life and he may have some other problems. So you need a lot of practice on these.
Nitin Kumar Palmist
Tags: palmistry marriage line, divorce line in female hand, marriage line touching heart line, palm marriage line, marriage line palmistry, palm reading marriage lines
Tags: palmistry marriage line, divorce line in female hand, marriage line touching heart line, palm marriage line, marriage line palmistry, palm reading marriage lines
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Palmistry Marriage Line | |
1) Forked Marriage Line
Chances of divorce or separation
2) Break on Marriage Line
Chances of separation and then reunion
3) Cross on Marriage Line
Chances of loss of partner and bad marriage
4) Marriage line in female hand
Marriage line prediction is same for both male and female
5) Love marriage line in female hand
Influence line joins fate line denotes love marriage
6) Island On Marriage Line
Bad marriage, secret behind marriage
7) Dot on marriage line
Loss of partner, divorce
8) Mole on marriage line
Loss of partner, divorce
9) Turning downward marriage line
Bad Marriage
10) Turning upward Marriage line
Late Marriage or Unmarried
11) Fork at the beginning of marriage line
Problem in getting married, late marriage
12) Star on Marriage line
Bad Marriage
13) Triangle On Marriage Line
Good Marriage
14) Marriage Line Joins Sun Line
Benefit through marriage/partner
15) Marriage Line cross sun line
Defamation through marriage/partner
16) Parallel marriage line in both hands
Extramarital Affair
17) Divorce line in female hand
Bad marriage or divorce
18) Marriage line touching heart line
Weak health of partner
19) Vertical lines on marriage line
Delay in marriage
20) Divorce line in male hand
Bad marriage or divorce
21) Love marriage line in female hand
Marriage by own choice or status change after marriage
22) Marriage line cut by vertical line
Obstacles in getting married
23) Branches in marriage line
Bad marriage
24) Break in marriage line
25) Triangle at the end of marriage line
| Rich after marriage
26) Overlapping marriage line
| Disturbed Married Life
27) Wedding line on palm
| Marriage line is also known as wedding line