Totka For Good Health

Best Herbal Home Remedies

Health powder
Mix amla powder--300 gms with dried ginger powder 100gms. Take one teaspoonful of this powder with water once in the morning and once in the evening

Green juice for health and weight loss
Palak, methi,lettuce (salad patta),green dhania, phudina, tulsi, kheera, tomato,simla mirch, gajar, amla fresh or amla powder

  • One part of honey, two parts of luke warm water, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Make a paste and massage.
  • Daily morning and evening take one cup of warm water with two teaspoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powderc
  • One tablespoon of honey, half teaspoon of cinnamon powder before breakfast regularly

Take one tablespoon of luke warm honey with ¼ tea spoon of cinnamon powder daily for three days. This will cure chronic cough & cold and clear the sinus

For gas and stomach
  • Mix ½ teaspoon saunf, ½ teaspoon dhania, 5nos kali mirch, 5nos lasun, 5nos tulsi, ½ teaspoon adrak. Boil in 1-1/2 cups of water for five minutes, strain and add one teaspoon honey when warm and take twice a day after meals.
  • Make a mixture of the following, grind and have one teaspoon after meals with water
  1. 200 gms of Saunf. Roast 100gms
  2. 250 gms of mishri
  3. 10 gms of black pepper
  4. 10 gms of haldi
  5. 10 gms of Mulethi
  6. 10 gms of bara elachi
  7. 10 gms of ginger powder

  • Onion juice mixed with Ginger juice, black pepper, honey and salt helps control problems of throat, tonsils, lungs and asthma.
  • 10 drops of lasun juice with two teaspoons of honey can cure asthma
  • Taking 40/50 gms of roasted channa in the evening followed with hot milkclears the phlegm in the bronchial chords

  • One teaspoon of onion juice mixed with milk or honey taken at bedtime will induce sleep.
  • 20/30 gms of dhania leaves and 20/30 gms of mishri boiled in water taken at bedtime daily induces sleep.
  • Taking fresh coconut water ( dhaab) before going to bed induces sleep

High Blood Pressure
  • 6 drops of Lasun juice in some water reduces hypertension.
  • Taking carrot juice mixed with palak juice in 3:1 proportion regulates blood pressure.

  • Carrot juice mixed with Karela juice daily in the morning helps in secretion of insulin in the body.
  • Kheera juice half a glass taken in the morning also helps in controlling blood glucose levels.

  • Carrot juice mixed with beetroot juice in equal quantity gives instant relief.
  • Taking 10 gms of Saunth( ginger powder) boiled in 100 gms of water with gur for one month cures arthritis.
  • Taking fresh amla juice with cow ghee heated to luke warm , regularly for a few days relieves stiffness of joints and helps in curing gout.

  • Druva grass juice contains chlorophyll, proteins and mineral salts. Druva juice removes toxins from the body. Take juice three times a day.
  • Take 100gms of carrot juice with little turmeric powder twice a day along with meals.
  • Mix 300gms of Amla powder + 100gms of Ginger powder + 25 gms of Black till + 25 gms of methi powder. Take on empty stomach ,every morning, one tablespoon of above mixture in one glass lukewarm water and add half teaspoon honey into it.
  • Every night put 15/20 black kismis ( rasins) in a glass of water for soaking overnight. In the morning before breakfast churn entire quantity in a mixer , filter it and drink it sip by sip. During season fresh grape juice can be consumed twice a day.
  • Wheat grass juice, contains lactrile B12 ( which is anticancer), vitamin E, riboflavin, thiamin, niacin and many minerals. Take 50ml fresh wheat grass juice in 100 ml water with one teaspoon of honey twice a day. This is considered the number one treatment for Cancer. Many dieticians call this the GREEN BLOOD.

How To Cultivate Wheat Grass
  • Take 5 nos one foot round FLOWER pots, or deep sided baking tray, or plastic tray and lay down a thin layer ( about 1 cm thick) of moss. Top this with 2cms of ordinary soil.
  • Take 50 nos of untreated wheat and plant the seeds as evenly as possible in the first pot on day 1.On day two plant 50nos wheat seeds in pot 2 and so on so that you have sufficient quantity for many days. Water it with can, or a spray nozzle.
  • After 10/12 days when the grass has grown to 10/15 cms high and is deep green, cut a little quantity, wash it and grind it in a juice maker and filter the juice to get 50Ml.
  • Note: Wheat grass juice must be drunk fresh within one half hour of making it since it looses its minerals and effectiveness after two hours.

  • Druva grass juice contains chlorophyll, proteins and mineral salts. Druva juice removes toxins from the body. Take juice three times a day.
  • Take 100gms of carrot juice with little turmeric powder twice a day along with meals.
  • Mix 300gms of Amla powder + 100gms of Ginger powder + 25 gms of Black till + 25 gms of methi powder. Take on empty stomach ,every morning, one tablespoon of above mixture in one glass lukewarm water and add half teaspoon honey into it.
  • Every night put 15/20 black kismis ( rasins) in a glass of water for soaking overnight. In the morning before breakfast churn entire quantity in a mixer , filter it and drink it sip by sip. During season fresh grape juice can be consumed twice a day.
  • Wheat grass juice, contains lactrile B12 ( which is anticancer), vitamin E, riboflavin, thiamin, niacin and many minerals. Take 50ml fresh wheat grass juice in 100 ml water with one teaspoon of honey twice a day. This is considered the number one treatment for Cancer. Many dieticians call this the GREEN BLOOD.

Digestive Problems And Acidity
  • Lemon juice with luke warm water helps in cleaning of bowels.
  • Taking juice of carrots, cabbage and tomatoes in equal proportion daily cures all problems of the intestines.
  • Half cup of Phudina juice mixed with one teaspoon of honey taken regularly after dinner for one month usually solves all types of digestive problems.
  • Buttermilk with little black pepper is very good remedy for indigestion.
  • Licking one teaspoon of amla powder with honey or ghee after dinner checks acidity.
  • Ajwain seeds soaked in lime juice after meals helps in digestion

  • Take sweetened amla pickle with honey added to it.
  • Take sprouted mung and channa at breakfast.
  • 250 ml of carrot juice with spinach juice increases red blood corpuscles.

  • Taking half cup of dhania leaves mixed with one teaspoon of amla powder improves eyesight.

  • A mixture of sugarcane juice, lemon juice and raddish juice hasens recovery.
  • Half cup of fresh karela juice with water twice a day cures jaundice.

Urinary Tract Infection
  • 10 gms of amla powder with 2 gms of turmeric powder and 5 gms of honey taken daily for two to three weeks will cure infections.
  • Take a little roasted heeng dissolved in water for relief in burning sensation of urine.

Mesuration Problems
  • To regulate menses take ripe papita daily.
  • Onion juice mixed with gur taken regularly helps in curing mensturial disorders.
  • Dhania powder with boiled rice water checks excessive bleeding and pain during menses.
  • Taking 3 gms of amla powder with 6 gms of honey everyday for one month cures Leucorrhoea.
  • 6 gms of ajwain with hot milk regulates menstrual flow.
  • Taking heeng during menses relieves a number of symptoms.

Weak Memory
  • After eating 5/6 almonds take carrot juice with milk everyday in the morning to sharpen memory.
  • Mix one cup mango juice with one cup milk. Add one teaspoon ginger juice and sugar to tase daily to eleminate mental weakness.

  • Keep 200 gms of Lasun mixed with 500 gms of pure honey in a bottle and place the bottle in a sack of wheat for 21 or 31 days. Taking 10 gms of this paste followed by drinking lukewarm milk early in the morning for 21 days will give extraordinary strength and cures impotency.
  • Taking raddish regularly helps in getting lost sexual power.

Enlarged Spleen

  • Taking 10 ml lemon juice mixed with 6 ml onion juice morning and evening helps in curing enlarged spleen.
  • Soak 5 khajurs in a glass of water overnight. In the morning churn it in a mixie and add half teaspoon honey and drink it.
  • Add half teaspoon of rai powder to half glass of karela juice and drink itevery morning and evening to reduce enlarged liver and spleen.

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