Line Of Heart - Benham

The Laws Of Scientific Hand Reading Palmistry - Benham 

Heart Line   

Upon entering our bodies through the finger of Jupiter the first line reached by the Electric Current is the line of Heart, so named because it has been found to reflect accurately the condition and operation of this organ. It is a vary important line, as it deals with that central life-sustaining mechanism which pumps and controls the blood stream, which, by its quantity and quality, we have found so largely affects our health and temperament. The line of Heart rises from some point under or near the finger of Jupiter, and traces its way across the hand under the Mounts, ending on the percussion. It is not proper to say that this line has any normal starting place, or any normal stopping place, for what might be normal with one subject would not be with another, so the line of Heart must always be considered in relation to the individual on which it is seen. The old saying, that a person has a "warm heart," or a "great heal of heart," has become synonymous with the idea that these persons are affectionate and sympathetic. this is largely true, for we have already seen that the action of a strong heart is followed by pink color, indicating warmth and health, and this we know produces genial, sympathetic people. Plenty of blood, pumped by a strong heart, means the antithesis of whiteness and coldness. So a "warm heart" really refers to the physical health of that organ and the warmth that follow good blood supply, which condition produces the consequent attraction towards its fellow men peculiar to such natures. Thus we find that a strong physical heart means not only health, but a strong attraction for and to others. And, conversely, a weak flabby heart, pumping the blood current with lifeless force, produces white color, which indicates a lack of warmth, and consequent weak or less magnetic or energetic quality of affections. Those to whom the reading of variations in the affections from the Heart line has seemed impossible have not recognized the direct connection existing between the strength of the physical organ and the emotions, for every variation in the strength of the heart's action produces more or less health and a corresponding variation in the kind and strength of the affections. Thus the Heart line is, in truth, a revealer not only of the muscular, vital strength and action of the heart itself, but, as a result of these conditions, also of the strength and character of the affections.

You will not find the line of Heart absent in many hands, and yet it sometimes is. You will occasionally see only one line coursing the hand below the Mounts, and will be at a loss to tell whether it is the Head or Heart line. I have but once seen the Head line entirely absent, through I have seen many hand lacking the Heat line. (I had intended at this point to show this hand with Head line absent, but upon going to secure a print, found that a head line had appeared in the hand since I last saw it, a period of about a year.) If we consider that the lines are controlled by the brain, and not by the heart, we can understand that the Head line will nearly always be present, being the indicator of that organ which controls and produces all line. It is often seen, however in a very elementary state of development.
When a single line is seen occupying a position which is, relatively, where the head line ought to be, it should be classed as a Head line and the Heart line considered to be absent. In order that this single line may be considered the Heart line and not the Head line, it must rise high on the Mount of Jupiter (24), or in that vicinity, and must trace its way across the hand just under the Mounts, and not by any means low enough to be in the location of the Head line. When the Heart line is absent, its absence speak of a lack of sympathy and the affectionate side of the disposition, and warns us of one who is cold blooded, selfish, and who desired personal success even at the expense and detriment of others. It is a bad marking, which easily leads from mere selfishness into hypocrisy, deceit, lack of candor, and positive dishonesty.

- If this marking is seen in the hand of a bad Mercurian, or even an unusually shrewd specimen of this type, it will at once mean natural temptation toward dishonesty.
- If the finger of Mercury is crooked and twisted, and the nails are narrow or short, you may be sure that the subject cannot be trusted. They will lie, swindle, cheat, steal, or do anything to get money; this is the hand of typical cold-blooded dishonesty. On a Martian the absence of the Heart line would show them to be unscrupulous, cold- blooded, and even on provocation bloodthirsty and dangerous. They will burn with physical ardor, and will gratify their lusts with no thought of the consequences to their victim. On a Saturnian it is a distressing indication, for it will add to his natural hatred of mankind, their desire to get even with them, their avarice; and consequently, their changes of being dishonest will be increased.

The Jupiterian will rarely be found with such an indication; when they are, some one of the three types just mentioned will be strong also, and the traits indicated by the absent Heart line will come from their side of the house.

The Apollonian may have a defective Heart line, but it will not be found entirely absent with them; neither will it be with the Venusian, as these two types have too much sympathy and feeling ever to be absolutely deficient in heat.
The Lunarian may be found with the line absent, or badly deficient, as they are naturally cold and selfish. Fortunately, you are not likely to meet many Lunarians. So the absent line of Heart will tell you that the subject lack heart in a moral way, is cold and selfish, and that they will also be cowardly and sneaking in their disposition, though sometimes a great "bluffer."

The line of Heart generally rises from some point on or near the Mount of Jupiter, sometimes extending over and rising on the mount of Saturn. Sometimes the line has forks at its beginning, al of which may start from Jupiter, and sometimes these forks spread like a fan, extending over as far as Saturn.
There are three well- verified readings attached to three starting points, and these should be used as a basis for your work, modifying and changing them in accordance as you see the starting point vary.
1. Rising from the mount of Jupiter (25) we read the development of the sentimental side to the affections. The subject is one whose live is ideal, to whom love is an adoration, and to whom love, even with poverty attached , is attractive. -

2. Rising between Jupiter and Saturn (26) the line shows the common sense, practical "middle ground" with the affections, indication one who is not carried away with sentiment, but who views love from a practical standpoint; is not "soft", or "spoony," but who is inclined to thing that love in a cottage without plenty of bread and butter is a myth. This person is never carried away by sentiment, and while strong in affection is sensible and not foolish.

3.Rising from the Mount of Saturn (27) the marking shows the sensualism in the affections of one whose love is tinged with the idea of pleasures from sexual relations. This is infallible if with it is seen a large Mount of Venus of pink or red color, and with strong Life and Mercury lines. These will tell of physical desire by the point at which the Heart line starts, and of physical strength sufficient to carry out these desires by the other indications.

Where the Heart line rises from all three of these sources (28) we have indicated the union of sentiment, common-sense, and passion, showing that heart is the strongest factor in the make-up of your subject, and a very fine Head line and a strong thumb must be present to prevent Heart from ruling head. With this strong formation you can, by noting which of the three lines is the deepest at the starting point, tell whether sentiment, common-sense, or passion is the strongest force. This always produces an affectionate person, who has a warm heart, a great deal of it, and love friend, relation, and mankind in general. His danger is too much heart, and he does not always look after his own interests when considering those of others. This will be increased if the fork from Jupiter is strongest, and decreased if the middle branch is strongest, because the practical side will then be prominent. The forks of the Heat line will not always be so pronounced as that shown in the illustration, but every variation of it dan be read based upon the full indication here given. Sometimes the line will start in several forks on Jupiter along, in which case it increases the sentimentality of a single line starting from that point. The same rule apples to the other starting points. The general rule apples that a single line tends to make the affections more self-contained, and the subject loves family and friends strongly, but does not reach out to everybody as does the one whose Heart line forks at the start.
The deeper and clearer the line at the start, the deeper, but more likely to be selfish, are the affections. The more the branching, the more they go out to many people. The line beginning with a fork makes a successful subject, for he has many friends.
Sometimes the line of Heart inclines to fall towards the line of Heat at its start (29).
This shows the head to be powerfully in the lead, and that when it comes to a choice between sentiment and utility the heart will be second best. Sometimes the Heart line starts from the line of the Head (30), in which case it will show that head has control of heart and completely dominates it. This is especially true it the Head line be deeper and clearer than the Heart line. If this is so marked, read with confidence that the head completely rules.
- If the lines of the Head and Heart are marked as in the above two cases, there will be a continual struggle between them for supremacy, with the changes in favor of the head as the If the Heart line originates from the origin of the Head line there will be a continual struggle between then for supremacy, with the chances in favor of the head as the Heart line droops or takes its source from it.The constant effort in our study of the hand is to discover what forces are strongest in the subject, and what ones will most influence the subject. In this battle between head and heart, reason and sentiment, minutely inspect the source of the Heart line and with it the comparative strength of the two lines, Head and Heat, in order to tell which will rule. Note in practice that the Heart line when rising from the Head line does not always do so just at the start, as in the illustration, but may rise farther along tin the course of the ahead line (31). In this case the time at which the Head line obtained control of the Heart line can be read by the point on the head line from which the Heat line starts; the age at \which it occurred being read from the line of Head according to the rules laid down in age of lines.

In the above examinations you will be much assisted by having first classified your subject into his proper type. The Saturnian will be most apt to be rules by head, followed by the Lunarian, the Mercurian, the Jupiterian, and the Martian, named in the order as this tendency is found. The Apollonian and Venusian incline to have heart lead them. With the above markings base the strength of your statements of the indications upon the type as well as the indications of the line itself, and you will arrive at absolute accuracy.

The length of the line should next be noted, for it will tell of much or little heart.
- If the line rises normally but runs only a short distance and stops (32), it indicates that the subject will have serious difficulty at the time at which it ends, even if al the other lines go on to their normal length. this abrupt termination of the Heart line means either that the heart will stop beating, or else that the subject has little heart or affection for others. You can judge which by the direction given later in this chapter. it is, in either case a poor sign.
- If the Heart line crosses the entire hand (33) it shows that the subject has too much heart and will allow sentiment to guide him in everything. In business he will not choose employees because they are best fitted to do this work, but because the "need a job," and in all the walks of life he will be guided by sentiment. He will become easily jealous, and will love much and suffer if he does no get much in return. The older palmists read a line rising well up into the finger of Jupiter and running clear across the hand, "failure in all enterprises." This reading was probably based upon the fact that one who is in everything rules by sentiment can seldom cope successfully with cold schemers. You can see that such a subject will not neccessarily6 "fall in all enterprises," though he is not likely to get along so well as one more practical in matters of heart. So our reading, "too much heat," is the best.

After satisfying yourself as to the length of the line, next note the course through the hand. By this I do not mean to take a sweeping glance at the whole line, but that you note its every variation in direction. See in what directions the line is deflected, how long it runs in this course, the character of the line during the change in course, the age at which it occurs, and, if many of these changes take place, not each one, its duration, and all that happens to the line during the various changes in direction,. It is this minute analysis of a line that gives its complete history as applied to the subject, the events that go with it, as well as the ages at which they occur. By noting the course of the line, I do not refer to defects in it, which we will consider later, but to the direction it takes in crossing the hand. With the exception of Jupiter, where it starts, the normal line of Heart marks the lower boundary of the Mounts of Saturn, Apollo, and Mercury, so that if its course is even and smooth and runs along at the base of the these Mounts, ending just under the Mount of Mercury on the percussion, we do not consider that it is deflected from its usual channel.

- If in its course it rises to one of the Mounts (34), it shows that the attraction of that Mount is very strong, and that the subject will love the qualities and the persons belonging to this Mount type. The current in its passage through the hand is constantly drawn and influenced in various directions, and in this case it is one of the Mounts which deflects the line. You will not often see the line rise to more than one Mount, and if it so rises under a Mount it indicates the age at which the strongest attraction did or will occur in this direction.If the subject has attractions at other ages, they will be shown by a chance line leaving the Heart line, or some other line, at the age at which the attraction occurs, and running to the Mount to which it is attracted.

The Heart line itself, deflected to any Mount, shows by this deflection the source of attraction and the age at which it occurs.
- If the line in so rising loses itself in the mount to which it deflects and ends there instead of at its usual stopping place, it shows that the attraction has overcome the affections and that the heart has surrendered completely.
- If it merely rises and then resumes its usual course again, it shows that the attraction occurs but does not master the subject. you can, by noting how long the line is deflected from its course, tell, by reading the age on the line, what period of years was covered by it. By noting how much the line is pulled wide of its course, for, generally, before such a great deflection can occur, a change line will split away from the Main line and rise to the point of attraction. But you will often encounter slight variations of the line, and these are important, for any attraction treat enough to pull a Min line out of its course is a strong one.
- If the Heart line is deflected towards any Mount, the people of that Mount type attract the subject greatly and exert a strong influence over them. They form the subjects ideal as to qualities and appearance, and you can describe the kind of a person your subject likes best, and often how they look, by describing the appearance of the type of the Mount to which the line is deflected. if the line dips downward in its course (35) it shows that at the time of this deflection the head has exerted a powerful influence over the heart; and reason and head dominate sentiment and heart. Curing such a period the subject will be indifferent to others, avaricious, selfish, and cold-hearted. This deflection of the Heart line may occur at any period in its course. The point at which it begins will tell the age at which this tendency begins.
-If it is lost in the Head line (36), it shows that these qualities have swallowed all further independent action of the affections. These subjects are henceforth dominated by head. If the line of Heart after such a serious deflection regains its former course (37), it shows there is still left a portion of the former affectionate disposition, and that head and worldly interests have not entirely overcome heart and sentiment. Such as character will always be tinged strongly with much head and little heart.

These deflections towards the Head line are very frequent, but in an infinite variety of degrees. They vary from slight curvings of the line which are scarcely perceptible, to great swoops downward. In whatever degree seen, it shows the pulling force of the head, striving to overcome the sentimental side of the subject's nature, and succeeding in a greater or less degree as the deflection is great or small.

You can always read the age on the line at which these events occur, and how long they last. Do not forget to use the type of your subject, which will clear up any point of doubt. Deflections occurring downward with Saturnians read quickly and without fear, as showing the strongest side of the indication. Soften your judgment as you go over the types, the Venusian seldom being afflicted with all head and no heart. The variations of this line are infinite, but you can accurately read each one of them if you understand the general principles governing, and use good judgment in estimating the degree of disturbance or difference.
- There are cases where the line of Heart, in deflecting downward form its course, cuts the Head line in two instead of merging with it or going back to its original course (38). In this case serious injuring and damage to the Head line are indicated, and at the time at which such a cut takes place the subject will have either an unbalancing of the mental faculties, serious brain fever, or death. Such a marking cannot take place with disaster. The two strong Currents in the Head and Heart lines crossing each other will, to use electric parlance, burn out the fuse, or cause an explosion, and as the affair occurs on the Head line, the explosion will be in the brain. Apoplexy is most to be feared, followed by an impairment of brain or paresis if the acute attack be survived. In such a case look well to the Mount type. Jupiterians are predisposed to apoplexy, and with such a marking in this type your diagnosis will be plain. Saturnians are predisposed to paralysis, and with such a type this will be his trouble. Apollonians are predisposed to blindness and heart disease, so heart failure is the strong presumption here, with blindness (a defect in the head) second. Mercurians, predisposed to nervous, bilious trouble, will point you to paralysis. Martians, with excess of blood supply already greatly marked, will likely have apoplexy. Lunarians and Venusians are not likely to have this marking. Though the acute attack of apoplexy probable in the above cases may not be fatal, it leaves an impairment and injury to the brain. In any event this marking, when the Heart line cuts the Head line, must be considered very serious. Note both the lines of Life and Saturn to see whether they stop or are defected at the same age at which this cutting occurs. If so, the indication is more serious. This deflection of the Herat line and cutting of the Head line may occur at any point in its journey across the hand. The age at which it occurs reads from the line. If at the point where the two lines cut they are deep and red, the consequences are more serious. Examine nails to see if by color of flutings they show predisposition to heart trouble or paralysis: if so the danger is greater.
We may sum up the rules for the course of the Heart line by saying that every variation in its course means a change in the qualities for which it stands, that the age and period covered by these changes may be read from the line, that they are more or less pronounced in their effect and consequences, as these changes are slightly or definitely marked. Practice will enable you to properly estimate all these variations.
We have already considered the Heart line as to its source and course through the hand, and must now note its termination. As the place from which the line starts indicates the source of the qualities we read from it, so the place at which it ends indicates their outcome.
- If the line rises under Jupiter and ends under Saturn (39) it shows that the heart which began with eh right sort of affections soon changed, and the coldness and dislike of mankind peculiar to the Saturnian quickly changed the nature, which was warm in the beginning, to one which has little heart left. Saturnian qualities have taken possession of the affections of the subject and changed them from an ideal condition to one of indifference.
- If this marking be seen, look at nails for paralysis and heart disease, at the Life line to see if a disturbance appears there, at the Line of Mercury for liver and stomach defects, and if these indications be present the life of the subject will be short- not over twenty-five years, as shown by the point where the Heart line terminates under Saturn.
- If the line terminates under Apollo (40), it shows that Apollonian ideas of beauty and art strongly attract the subject, who will be unsatisfied in marriage except with an Apollonian or one approaching that type.
- If with this termination the line rises on Jupiter it will give ideal love, which, added to that for the Apollonian character, makes one indeed fond of beauty, love, and grace. As one of the health defects of the Apollonian is heart disease, if the Heart line ends on this Mount, examine nails, character of the Heart line, Life line, and Mercury line, to find whether the marking does not indicate heart disease. by remembering the health defects peculiar to the types, and the manner in which nails, color, etc., show them, you will never have any trouble in separating a character indication from a health defect. With the Heart line ending on Apollo, look out for everything bearing on heart disease, to confirm it.
- If health defects are not present, it indicates, no disease, but the trend of the affections.
- If the line ends high on the Mount of Mercury (41), it shows that the affections are largely influenced by fiances. The Mercurian shrewdness guides this Heart line, and it must always have money in sight before love is recognized. The line so terminating does not, per se, lead us to look for a health defect, as heart trouble is not a defect of the Mercurian,. If is well, however, never to omit a search in health directions, even in places where we do not expect to find them, for they sometimes take us unawares.
At all times bear in mind the course a Heart line ought to travel, and remember that the Electric Current is flowing through it. Every change in its course takes this Current our of its popper channel and turns it loose at some point that was not designed to receive it.

- A line like Fig. 42 shows that the Heart line has never run over its proper channel, but pours a double Current into the Head line. It operates to make the subject cold and heartless, and should be read like an absent Heart line. These people are very ambitious, as the line leads down from Jupiter, but will consider the welfare of no one when furthering their ambitions. The line may run into the Head line farther along in its course (43). In this case the indication point in the same direction as Fig. 42, but in a modified degree, as the line of Heart runs longer before being absorbed. In 43 it is practically a Head line beginning with a fork, with the Heart line absent. In 43 there is more of the Heart line present, which produces a better effect.

- If the Heart line terminates on upper Mart (44) it leaves too wide a space under the Mounts, and the affections will center on one of the Martian type. This will cause these subjects to love ardently and with Martian brusqueness and strength. It also produces a narrow quadrangle, and consequently a secretive disposition. If the Heat line takes a precipitous depression and end on the Mount of the Moon (45), it makes the subject extremely jealous, for there will be too much Heart line, backed by the imagination of the Lunarian, which will magnify every act of one he loves into some form of unfaithfulness. This formation is a most unhappy one. This does not necessarily indicated a danger to life, for the Heart line may not cross the Head line.

- If the Heart line forms a curve and ends on the Plain of Mars (46), it will be a serious menace, for it will cut the Head line squarely, will pour its Current into the Plain of Mars (the seat of temper and excitability), and will consequently endanger life by cutting the Head line, and will also show the subject to be exceedingly irritable, changeable in affections, constantly seeking excitement, and hard to get along with. Carefully not the Life, Head, and Mercury line if this indication is seen, to determine whether the outcome is serious. Bad defects in these line at the age at which the Head line is cut would confirm this reading. Be careful not to confuse this marking with a Saturn line rising in the Plain of Mars. If the line goes well up into Jupiter, read it as the Heart line; if it goes into Saturn, or only to the edge of Jupiter, read it as a Saturn line with the heat line absent.
-If the line curves around and ends on the Mount of Venus (47), it is a serious indication, for it cuts both the lines of Head and Life. In this rare marking, not carefully the condition of lines where the cutting takes place, and the condition of Head and Life lines afterwards. If defects appear in either, you know damage had been doe to the head and that life is in danger. If the Life line ends or fades away soon after, you know that the life terminates.
It is not my intention to give every possible variation of the Heat line here, but it is my desire to indicate constantly the general principles governing it, and the methods of reasoning out its combinations, which will start you in the way of using you own reasoning faculties rather than of memorizing a set of illustrations. It is to teach the way and habit of reasoning that I aspire, and this is the only kind of work that possesses any value. When you have acquired the habit and way of thinking combinations out, you can throw books away.

The character of the Heart line, which we will next consider, is most important, and must be carefully noted, not in its entirely, as I have said before, but bit by bit from source to ending place. The perfect line is one which is deep cut and smooth, is not broken, islanded, or defective in other ways, is well colored, and of proper length. Such a line indicates a good physical condition of the heart, good circulation, strong affections constant and smooth in operation, one reliable in love matters, but not frivolous nor sentimental. These subjects are brave, courageous, and fearless. Such persons love ardently and remain constant, but they do not make a display of their feelings, neither do they enjoy great demonstrations from others. They are consequently sometimes thought cold and distant. This is not "wear the heart on the sleeve." With deep Heart lines there is little fear of heart disease from a weak condition of the organ itself, and there is little use to look for health defects of the line. With this Heart line the subject will have fewer love affairs, but what he has will be strong. He will have confidence in those he loves, and a disappointment will affect him severely, for, while quiet and undemonstrative, the Current runs deeply. Such subjects do not pick up any and everyone and make a great demonstration over them, but they love their dear ones and friends with a steady devotedness. With such a clear line there is the best kind of a channel for the current to run through, no obstructions, and, consequently, the best kind of heart action and the strongest and most reliable affections.

-If the line is small and thin, the person has little care for others, is narrow-minded, cowardly, timid, unsympathetic, and has no real affection for anyone. All display of love which he might make is from a desire to further selfish ends.

Do not make the mistake of calling a Heart line thin and giving it the above reading unless it is thin, while the other lines are well marked, in which case it has its full measure and puts the heart out of proportion to the rest of the lines.
With all kinds of Heart line, apply them to the type of the subject. A Jupiterian and Venusian will be expected to have the best kind of Heart line. The Apllonian may have his health defect, heart disease, show on the line, but will have outside of this a good line and strong affections. The Martian will be expected to have a good Heart line, but it may be excessive in strength. A good specimen of the mercurian type will have a good Heart line but a bad specimen will have the thin line showing the selfish disregard for others and the furthering of selfish ends. The Saturnian, if good, will have a good line, if bad, a thin line. The Lunarian, naturally cold and selfish, will be expected to have a thin or chained, shallow white line. If you should find the thin line on a subject belonging to a type on which it is abnormal, read the line properly, but do not give it all the force you would on a type where it is expected. For example, the thin line found on a Venusian will not be read so strongly as the same line on a Lunarian.
If the line be broad and shallow, the heart action will be physically weak, the affections will correspond, and the subject is fickle if the hand be weak; sentimental and loving a display of affection if the rest of the hand be good. These subject fall violently in love, but quickly change their affections to the next attractive person who comes along. Their Heart line is broad and shallow; the affections are the same. They like to be told how much you love them every time they meet you, and they are often the people who love you during prosperity, but turn their back in times of trial. There is in their nature no true ring of deep, strong affection; they are incapable of a lasting attachment. This is what we call a sentimental Heat line. If is of great value in the estimate of the of the probable outcome of a marriage to know there facts, for on the Heart line can be told who is to be counted on when the clouds of adversity lower. Do not forget to apply the broad and shallow line to the subject's type, and estimate the effect of such a line on such a type.
-If found on an Apollonian it will point to one of his health defects, and you should look carefully at color, nails, and for defects on the Life line to judge the degree of its seriousness. Note whether this line alonehas this broad and shallow formation; if so, it must be read in a most pronounced manner. If all the lines are of the same character the subject has the same defects all around.
-If the Heart line is chained , it presents a continual series of obstructions to the Current, and the heart's action is irregular, the circulation poor, and there is in general a poor physical condition of the heart. note well the type of subject; if there is much Apollonian in him, either in the primary, secondary, or tertiary type, be on your guard for severe heart disease. A Life line that is thin islanded, broken, or defective in any way, combined with a chained Heart line, will show the serious menace of the heart to the life. If the Life line runs too deeply in any one place it will be most serious, and if a star been in it, sudden death from heart disease is certain, absolutely so if found in both hands under the Mount of Apollo.
The chained Heart line shows a constant uncertainty in the affections. The subject thinks one day that he is in love and changes his mind the next. He will rush up to you and smother you with a great demonstration of affection, and the next time you meet he will hardly speak to you. He vacillates and changes, is cowardly, uncertain and weak. The constantly interrupted Current has no deep permanent channel, and the result is no permanent health of affections. Note whether this chained condition applies only to the Heart line, and whether all the other line are deep and well cut, in which case read the Heart line in a pronounced manner; if all the lines are changed, the heart line is not more defective than everything else. Proportion must be in mind constantly.
All of the above kinds of lines have been treated in general,- that is, as if they were deep and well cut, narrow and thin, broad and shallow, or chained during t heir entire length; but such is the exception. You will find the Heart line generally deep and well cut at the beginning, and changing to other formations as the line runs its course across the hand. The qualities of the line just described apply to the line only during the time the line shows these formations, and when the character of the line changes the qualities of the subject change. For every change in the character of the line there will be a change in the subject. By noting on the line the age at which these changes take place, and their duration on the line, you can read at what age the modifications they indicate took place, and how ling each condition lasted.
- If the line begins deep and well cut (48) and continues so until it reaches under the Saturn finger, then becomes broad and shallow, continuing thus until under the finger of Apollo, then becomes thin until under Mercury, and chained to the end, it would read; deep and well-cut qualities up to age twenty-four, changed to broad and shallow up to age forty three, changed to thin up to age sixty, and changed for balance of life. Interpret as follow: The subject during the early portion of his life was very warm-hearted, constant, trustworthy, and strong in affections; at the age of twenty four he changed in these respects, and become weak, changeable, and inconstant; at forty-three he grew very selfish, cold-hearted, and sought only to further his own ends, which condition lasted until sixty, when he grew weak, had poor circulation, became vacillating, cowardly and unreliable in his affections, and these conditions lasted until the end of his life. This example shows the method of applying general rules and indications to each part of the line on which different formations are seen. The manner in which these combinations occur on a line varies infinitely, but you will have no trouble in reading each case if you remember what deep, shallow, thin, or chained lines indicate,and apply these qualities to the line for the period of years they occupy. In any reading make the application as past events to those parts of the line before the present age. If you have judged the line correctly the past events will be recognized by the subject, and my experience with future events has been so accurate that you need have no hesitation in boldly reading them as shown by changes on the line. Before attempting such detailed reading, however, learn to diagnose the character of the line vary accurately. In nearly all Heat lines their start is deep and well cut, while they are generally broad and shallow, chained or tasseled at the end. This is easily explained when we remember that during the first twenty years of like the heart is strongest in action; it has not exerted itself and become worn as is the fact in later years, os this deep and well-cut beginning of the line indicates strength. At this time of life the subject has not had experiences which make him doubt the sincerity of mankind, consequently the line is more perfectly marked. As old age comes on the action of the heart grows weaker, and the line becomes defective, the subject loves petting and display of affection from others, and the line, instead of the self-contained depth which shows at the beginning when such things are not sought so much, becomes shallow and sentimental.

COLORWith every Heart line, color plays an important part. When beginning the examination of this line, it is useful to press the line from source to termination with the finger, and note the facility with which the blood flows under this pressure. This will indicate the strength of the blood stream and will help to distinguish the color of the line. In some lines the blood flows freely, and in others the whiteness under pressure shows the weak blood supply. In the Heart line, color is important, for it tells whether a subject is war- or cold- hearted. If with the deep, well-cut heart line we find white color, it will not be so strong an indication of a good physical heart as if the color were pink. We know by the deep line that, while the heart was intended to be of full development, something has taken place, as shown by white color, by which it has been weakened. In such a case look at both hands; if the line colors well in the left and shows white in the right, it will indicate plainly that the naturally strong heart has been impaired and weakened.

White color in the line of Heart, even if the line is otherwise good, shows the heart's action to be weaker than normal, and the affections cold. With color, always apply it to the type of the subject. Coldness belongs to the Lunarian primarily, the Saturnian second, Mercurian third, while Martians, Apollonians, Venusians and Jupiterians are warm-hearted. So with a white-colored Heart line, apply its coldness to the type of subject, and estimate the result. If will much reduce the strength of the four warmer types, and will make the cold types colder. With the thin and narrow, broad and shallow, and chained lines, white color exaggerates their cold qualities, and selfishness, vacillation, and fickleness will be exceedingly pronounced, according to which characteristic the line has. Here, again, look at both hands to see if matters are growing better or worse.
Pink color will make a deep line operate properly, and all the warmth, steadfastness, and reliability of this good line will be accentuated. If found on the warm types, it will make them strong in the natural directions. If found on the cold types, it will warm them up. Pink color will make a thin line less selfish and narrow; it will make a broad and shallow or a changed line less fickle, and often with these formations, pink color is the thing which saves the subject from being entirely inconstant.

Red color is the intensity of rich, warm blood, and in the Heat line makes intense all the fires of affection. If shows a heart so strong that it may be dangerous. On the Martian type we expect it, but it is too strong to be good for any of the others. It is seen on Jupiterians, but is no good on this type. Naturally overeaters, they tend to apoplexy and heart failure. So a deep red line on a pronounced Jupiterian is indeed a danger signal. Red color in a Martian Heart line will make the affections of the subject intense and his passions great. It will warm up the cold heart of a Lunarian, and make him less selfish. The Saturnian yields some of his hate of mankind to red color, while Venusians and Apollonians become too intense. Red color in the deep Heat line will make a strong combination, too intense to be good in many cases. it tends towards success of this good line, and excess is not desirable. You rarely see red color in thin and narrow, broad and shallow, or chained Heart line, but when you do, always considerably reduce the estimate of their qualities.
Yellow color in the Heart line will tinge the affections with morbidness and will make even the subject with the good, deep line suspicious of those he loves. Bile spoils everything, even a good Heart line, and adds its pessimistic view even to love. A yellow Heart line, though it may be deep, is less to be depended upon and is more inclined to double dealing than even a white one. White ness indicates simply indifference, while yellow color lead to distortion in the manner of looking at thins. A yellow Heart line on a strong Saturnian will make as mean a subject as could be found, and it would take very little inducement to make such a person into a criminal. A yellow Heart line on a Mercurian, especially if a bad or an unusually shrewd specimen of the type, would easily make a swindler, and with little encouragement a villain. Yellow Heart lines mean a pointed, bad heart, so they pull down every type.

Blue color in a Heart line tells of the congestion, the sluggish movement of this organ, and the type must at once be located, for if the Apollonian, it is serious. nails must be looked at to see it the trouble is a structural one, or only a defective circulation, the Life line must be examined for any defects which indicate an end to the career, and from this combined point of view, you will be able to estimate how serious the blue Heart line is.
You will constantly be called upon to judge whether some marking seen on a Heart line is a health defect, an event in the life, or an indication of character, and this is a point which has puzzles many excellent practitioners. The difficulty is not hard to overcome. The line of Heart indicates, first the physical state of that organ, and, second, as a result of that physical state, the mental characteristics and qualities of the affections; and, third, it often shows when this mental attitude has taken such hold as to powerfully draw the subject in different directions, causing decided preferences which have led to certain events in his life. All of these matters are not shown in every hand. The first and second always are, but third only at times. As strong brain impressions alone produce changes in the line,s manifestly the third will be seen only in those hands where the brain has been so profoundly impressed that the effect has been transmitted to the lines. If you encounter an unusual formation of the line, or any change from the normal, you wonder whether it is health or character that is indicated. Your first thought should be that is is a health indication, for the line shows, firs, the physical conditions of the heart. Note the type of your subject, and whether heart disease is a natural defect of this type. If it is, the presumption is strong that the marking is a health defect. Next examine the nails, and see if the structural heart-disease formation or blue color at the base be present, and if both or either of these indications are seen, you should be still more strongly convinced that it is a health defect. Note the Life line to see if there is any unevenness, whether it breaks, splits, islands, is crossed, and especially if a line runs from the defect on the Heart line to the Life line. If the Life line shows such defects be sure the indication on the Heart line line is one which refers to the physical heart. The saturn line will often show confirmations of a check to the career seen in the Life line by breaking in two or by other effects. The Mercury line, wither by stopping at the same age indicated by the defect on the Life line, or by showing some defect, often gives an added confirmation. Not finding any of these health defects, it is evident the mark on the Heart line is one showing some characteristic of the affections and not disease. This method must be adopted with every line on which you encounter a change from the normal condition. Review every thing bearing on disease, first beginning with the health defects of the type to which your subject belongs, and noting in succession nails, color, and all lines that bear any relation to the defect under consideration.
Careful practice will in this manner enable you to make a distinction between character and disease. Begin at the starting point of the Heart line, and examine the line along its entire length for defects. These may be splits, cross-bars, islands, dots, or breaks. Wherever one of these defects appears, it is either a health indication, or one showing some event connected with the affections. The first thing is to examine in the manner above outlined, in order to determine whether ill health is indicated, and if it is, draw your conclusions as to the effect the condition found will have on the affections of the subject. Finding no confirmatory indications of heart difficulty, you turn naturally to other matters.
The first defect to consider is the split, which you already know how to diagnose. If you find it to be a health defect, it is serious in proportion as it splits the Main line in two and divides the Current, direction part away from its proper channel. Split lines as health defects show a weakened condition of heart with impaired circulation, and the date of the trouble can be read from the line. As character indications, the place they occur, size of split, and the place to which they run must be guides in reading them. Splits will occur upward or downward according as the split lines rise or fall below the line. All lines which rise from a Main line are more favorable than lines which fall from it, so split lines rising from the Heart line are better indications than those which fall below it. These line which split from the Heart line will rise to or near a Mount, and will indicate that either the characteristics of the Mount, or someone belonging to that type, so strongly attract the heart as to split off part of the line and draw it up toward the Mount. Thus a split rising from the Heart line under Jupiter (49) will show that ambition will guide love, and the person who will attract this subject will be someone on the Jupiterian order. He does not necessarily have to have money, but he must be prominent, or one who gives promise of rising.
A split line rising under Saturn (50) will indicate that the subject is attracted by some of the Saturnian qualities. If the subject, on whose hand you find this line, is developed in his mental world, it will be this side of the Saturnian that will attract him, and he will love one who has scholarly attainments. If you client's middle world is strongest, he will love on who has farming, mining, or horticultural aptitudes, or scientific talents. if his lower world is strongest, he will love one who has the saving disposition of the Saturnian. In every case this subject will like best one who has the soberness, caution, and wisdom that belong to the Saturnian type. The subject himself may not belong to the Saturnian type, bur he will admire these qualities. I have seen the most giddy persons with this marking, and believe they realize their need of the Saturnian balance-wheel.
A split line rising under Apollo (51) must be reasoned as in the previous case, and your subject will be drawn toward Apollonians. If your subject lives in the mental world, he will love one who is ideally an artist. if the middle world of your subject is strongest, he will love one who is an artist, but he wants this artist able to make money from his art. if the lower world is strongest your subject will love one who dresses in a showy fashion and who knows how to make a display. Remember the Apollonian, and that this split line from the line of Heart makes the subject love the qualities of that type; you can carry your explanation as far as you please by describing all that Apollonians are, and saying that this is what your client will love.
If the split line rises to Mercury (52) your subject will love Mercurian qualities; which side will be shown by the world which rules in the hand- the oratory and eloquence of the upper world of Mercury, the scientific side shown by the middle, or the money-making side shown by the lower world. In the latter case the subject will suffer love to be influenced by the amount of money a lover has, or by his ability to make it.
If these split lines rise in the center of the Mounts, read them confidently. If it seems doubtful on which of two Mounts they do end, estimate which one seems most clear and read in this case with some degree of reserve. Good judgment must be constantly cultivated.
Split lines which fall from the Heart line (53) show a part of the conflict between heart and head, and at the time these lines fall, the head is exerting a very strong influence. If, as is often the case, fine lines fall from the Heart line all along its course, there is a perpetual conflict between heart and head for the mastery. These falling lines were read by old palmists to indicate "love-sorrows and disappointments". When we think that they do indicate an effort of the head to control sentiment or heart, we can understand how it was reasoned out, for it one loves but allows the head to say that the loved one is not so good a match as someone else, he will have "love-sorrows and disappointments," for calculation (head) has stifled sentiment (heart).
Sometimes a large line will split away from the Heart line and gradually fall to the Head line, merging itself in it (54); this will show that heart has surrendered to head and is thereafter ruled by it. The age at which it begins is shown by the point at which the line splits away, and the complete surrender by the point at which the line loses itself in the line of Head.
Cross-bars cutting the line (55) are constant heart irritations, either illness, or worries in the affections. On noting them make a search to locate whether they are health defects or whether they apply to the affections. If health defects, no how deeply they cut. If only little lines they show temporary heart disturbance of a function character, if very deep0 they are more serious; so note all these line carefully, to see how disastrous they will be in their effect. If these cross-bars cut the line in many places, it shows that the trouble is continuous. If heart disease, it will show palpitation and valvular difficulties, and generally with such bars present the Heart line grows dim and more defective towards its latter end, and the cross-bars become deeper cut.
- If these bars do not related to disease, then constant jars to the affections will be indicated at the age at which these bars show on the line.

All defects on the Heart line are more serious if they appear under the Mount of Apollo. Islands in the Heart line (56) are always defects. They obstruct the Current, weaken it, and most often indicate weak physical action of the heart. The size of the island will show how serious the difficulty is, mere dots being not more than temporary disturbances, while those which are large and deep cut are menaces to life.
Islands found in the heart line under the Mounts will generally add a heart complication to some health defect of that Mount type. When seen always locate the type of the subject and hunt for a health defect peculiar to him, which if found must have heart weakness added. In this way you are often warned by an island on the Herat line and find back of it additional trouble. If changes line from any other part of the hand run to or near an island on the Heart line, they will give the clue by the place from which they start as to where you should look for information which you can bring to bear on the island.
If splits lines rise or fall form the Heart line at or near an island these will tell, by the place they end something about the outcome of the island. When an island is seen, search must be made to ascertain whether it is a health defects, and generally this will be the case. If not, look to location, chance, and other lines for information bearing on some disappointment to the affections. An island on the Heart line under Apollo is always a health indication, and you will seldom fail to get the complete confirmation from nails, etc.
Dots on the Heart line (57) are generally health defects, and their degree of seriousness is gauged by their size. When seen, always examine for heart disease. If no indication is seen anywhere else, and the dot is mall, the case is not serious. The more pronounced the signs of heart
trouble which are seen elsewhere, and the larger the dot, the more serious the difficulty.

Breaks of all degrees of size are often seen in the line. With nearly every break, one end of the broken line will go wide of its course and will show what has influenced the line sufficiently to break it. Breaks must always be considered as serious even though small, and when wide or when the ends of the broken line are far apart and unrepaired, they become serious enough in their meaning to warrant the reading of a possible fatality. When breaks of any size are seen look for repair signs.
- If the ends of the line lap, or have sister line joining them, squares surrounding, or anything that will help retain the current, read it as serious heart difficulty which is prevented from coming to a fatal conclusion by repair signs. With breaks examine in the usual manner to see if they are health defects, and if found to be so, read the break as denoting illness; if it is not a health indication read it as an interruption in the affections.
- If the line breaks and runs up to Jupiter (58) it will be read the same as the line deflected to that Mount, or as a split line running to Jupiter, showing that Jupiterian qualities attract the client and that the break in the line, if a health defect, is due to a disturbance of heart brought about by the Jupiterian disposition to overeat.
- If the break be not a health indication, it will show that one of the Jupiterian type has caused the break, or that it has been caused by too much ambition or pride (Jupiterian qualities). Always examine the character of the line after the break, noting the changes in it which tell the outcome of this break. If the line afterward continues deep, it will be overcome, if it grows thin, or chained, or defective in other ways it will be a continence of difficulties and the age at which each one of these changes occurs can be read from the line.
- If the line breaks under Saturn and rises to the Mount (59) first look for health defects. In this case gout and rheumatism are the Saturnian health defects that will probably complicate trouble with the heat's action, and rheumatism of the heart is often diagnosed from this marking. If this break in not a health indication it will show that either a Saturnian subject, or that Saturnian qualities have caused the break in the line.
- If the Heart line breaks under Apollo (60) it will be nearly conclusive proof that the difficulty is a health defect.
Examine closely all other indications bearing on heart disease, for while this defect is natural to Apollonians, all of this type do not necessarily have heart disease. See if the broken line, as it goes up into the Mount, grows deep and red, if so it will add to the certainty of disease. If it is not a health indication it will tell of the affections having been influenced by Apollonian qualities, or by one of this type. This break occurring in the line under Apollo is at age forty-three. If an Apollonian subject has caused strong attraction at an earlier age it will be shown by a chance line coming from the Heart line at an earlier age on t hat line, and running to the Mount of Apollo (61).

-If the line breaks under Mercury (62) it will not likely be a health defect coming from any type qualities of Mercury, from the fact that the position of Mercury registers sixty years on the Heart line, and the heart's action generally gets weaker at this age, and is likely to become disturbed. In seeking to discover if this break is a health indication, bear in mind the age and consequent liability to heart weakness. At this age it is not likely that an affection will cause the break, for the age of youthful love is passed. If affection toward a Mercurian has influenced your client, it will much more likely be shown by a chance line breaking from the heart line earlier, than by the break under Mercury. The usual investigation will probably disclose a health defect, if not, reason out the break, as is done with the other Mounts.
In all of the breaks above mentioned, we have considered that the broken line has run toward a Mount. many breaks do not, the line simply parts and shows a broken span. These are wither health defects, or breaks in affection. If many breaks are seen in the line (63) your client has either had a constant recurrence of weakness in the hear's action or of broken love affairs.
- If the breaks come close together he is likely to have heart failure. If the end of these broken lines turn down instead of rising to the Mounts (64), the head strongly influences the subject at the time the breaks occur, and cold reason fights against warm sentiment.

- If the broken ends are short, head does not rule completely, but if the line merges into the Headline, reason obtains the mastery over sentiment (65). If the break is wide at this time, the subject never entirely gets over it; if is narrow he does, though unhappy at the time.
By noting each break it can be told at what age these events occur, and by noting where the ends of the broken line go you can tell what has caused them. The variations are infinite, but by applying the general principles you can correctly reason out each one.
- If the end of the broken line drops and cuts the head line sharply (66), the thing which caused the break, be it health or affection, will seriously impair the head at the time the line crosses the Head line. If at the time this cut occurs on the Head line a star is seen on the junction of the two lines (67) an explosion will occur in the Head line, caused by whatever made the Heart line break (health of affection) and brain fever or even death may ensue. The latter must be judged from the Life line, and the condition of the Head line after the cut occurs.

- If an island be seen in the Head line, following the cut by the Heart line (68), the head will be left in a delicate condition
afterwards, this delicacy lasting as long as the island is present, the age to the read on the Head line.
- If after a break in a Heart line, the line is chained (69), it shows that the heart never fully recovers from whatever caused the break.
If after a break the line has an island or islands (70) it will be delicate during the time occupied by these islands.

- If after a bread a well-marked star is seen filling the break (71) the subject will die suddenly or have a very serious attack of heart disease at the age the star comes on the line. This is more certain is seen under Apollo.
- If the line breaks and is cut by a cross-bar (72), the Current can hardly get by at all, and sudden death, by heart failure, will occur in ninety five percent of cases.
- If a break has a cross-bar on both ends of the line (73), death from heart disease will occur in ninety nine per cent of cases.
How serious every case is, judge by the difficulty there will be to repair the damage and get the Current into its proper channel again.

In the break with a bar on each end of the break case, the best repair would be a sister line joining the ends of the crass bars (74). In this case there would be great danger at the time of the break, but the Current could be led back by the sister line to its channel again. This serious defect is also well repaired by a square (75) in which case the Current gets into the box, and though it is a serious impediment to the heat during the time this break occurs, it will likely find its way into the Heart line again if the square be a good one.
- If a break in the Heart line has a dot on the end of the broken line (76) it indicates a serious attack of heart disease at the age
indicated by its position on the line. A very large, deep dot will indicate a probable fatality, a smaller dot, serious illness which may be overcome.

The star is either a brilliant sign when seen on the line, or is an explosion. First locate whether it denotes illness or affection. If
illness, then it will be heart disease, a severe attack if it be a small star, or a badly formed one (77).
If seen under Saturn it will add the complication of rheumatism of the heart.
If the star is large and well formed (78), with the center exactly on the line, it will indicate the excessive formation, or, as we call it, the explosion. This means sudden heart failure at the age on the line at which the star appears.
If after a star the line shows chains (79) the subject will have a serious attack of heart disease from which he will never entirely recover.

If after a star there are islands (80) the subject will have a severe attack of heart disease with delicacy afterwards, most pronounced and severe during the periods covered by the islands. The age at which each event occurs can be read from the line of Heart.
If after a star the line becomes thin and narrow (81) it tells that the illness shown by the star destroys the vigour of the heart, which is always weak afterwards, and the affections become cold and views selfish and narrow.
The combinations of defects, and the character of the line in its different parts are possible of infinite variation. All along the line every variation of character means a different operation of the line during the period it lasts. The characteristics of each formation of the line have been previously explained; so in practice apply to each part of the line the characteristics which belong to that kind of a line, reading the age at which these events occur by their position on the line. Use color to strengthen all these matters. Remember bi red stars indicate greater intensity than big white ones, and that yellow one show more nervous, morbid, and ugly qualities. Every defect on the line means an event either of health of affection. make this distinction by rules already laid down, and then tell what the defect means and how serious it is.
Keep always in mind the theory of the Current, what it is trying to do, and how well the line will enable it to perform its functions. Think of the stream as flowing smoothly or impeded by defects. You have the types as a basis for the whole work, and it is by using the combining this knowledge, and adapting it to each particular case, that you will be enabled to reason out what each event shown on the line means, how it will affect the subject, and whether it is repaired or produces destruction. Go slowly in reading the line; don't expect that measuring to come the first time you look into a hand. Do not become confused because it does not, but think it over carefully. Above all, never allow yourself to be rushed. Don't begin to read because you feel you must, "say something". Don't say anything until you have it clearly in mind. Practice will increase the rapidity with which you can work, just as the child grows from the primer to his higher readers. Get the theory in mind first, then practice until you can apply it. All my effort in this chapter has been expended to teach how to read a line by using the general rules and indications and applying them to that line.
I have dealt only with changes in the Heart line itself. Understand each separate Main line thoroughly, and when you have leaned them all you will be able to understand all the combinations. The illustrations in the chapter serve only to put you in the way of reasoning out the possible changes in the line - they are only a few of the thousands which are possible. You will find it excellent practice to take pencil and paper and draw different combinations for yourself, learning to reason them out. Remember, reason and good judgment must stand at your side when judging the Heart line, and all other lines as well.