Ring Of Saturn (Shani Mudrika) In Palmistry

Ring Of Saturn (Shani Mudrika) In Palmistry

The Ring of Saturn is not a good sign, very seldom found on the palm. It is also a semi-circular line, between the fingers of Jupiter and Saturn. It encircles the finger of Saturn.

Functions of the Ring of Saturn

It shows an impulsive disposition in matters pertaining to occupation or choice of career.
It indicates want of continuity of purpose.

Any person with this mark will never succeed in his life. He will not be able to carry any of his plans to a successful termination.

These people seem cut off from their fellow beings in some peculiar and extraordinary way.

They are isolated and alone, and they appear to realize their lonely position keenly.

They are gloomy, morbid, and Saturnine in character.

They seldom marry, and when they do it is always a ghastly failure.

They are terribly obstinate and headstrong in all their actions, they resent the least advice or interference in their plans.

Their lives generally close in suffering, poverty, or by some sinister tragedy or fatality.

It is the most unfortunate mark ever to find.