Depression & Mental Stress In Palmistry

Now depression is big problem in youth and almost everyone is suffering from depression because of problem related to marriage, health, career, job and family.  Mostly people are suffering from depression because of money and career problem.

Are You Suffering From Depression And Anxiety ?

Now depression is big problem in youth and almost everyone is suffering from depression because of problem related to marriage, health, career, job and family.  Mostly people are suffering from depression because of money and career problem.

As you already know that Mount of Moon and Mount of Saturn is responsible for depression.

Mount of Moon and Mount of Saturn is the reason of depression, drinking too much, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Moon represents the feelings and social behavior of person and Saturn represents arthritis, depression, sadness, loneliness and suicidal tendencies. 

So if both planets are not good in your hand then there are strong chances that you will suffer from depression and anxiety.

Also Chandra + Rahu in horoscope gives head/brain related disease and mostly subject is suffering from phobia (crowd phobia, driving phobia) and low confidence.

Also Chandra + Saturn in horoscope (specially in 6th, 8th and 12th house) then there are chances of severe depression, thyroid, alcoholism.

Signs of Depression In Palmistry

1. Horizontal lines, grille, net and crosses on Mount of Moon.

2. Star on Headline.
3. Cross on Headline.
4. Headline ends on Mount of Saturn.
5. Crosses and grille on Plain of Mars.

Easy remedy to get rid of depression is that you need to wear white clothes than black dress, wear pearl in little finger of right hand, donate your black dress to poor on Saturday (once a year).  You will see improvement in your depression.

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