Importance Of Fate Line In Your Hand (Bhagya Rekha) In Palmistry

The Line Of Fate

It is believed to be tied to the person's life path, including school and career choices, successes and obstacles. Sometimes this line is thought to reflect circumstances beyond an individual's control, or the person's choices and their consequences. Absence of the Line indicates insignificant life - mostly the hand of a self-made person - vegetable Kind of existence.

  1. Rises from the Life Line - Success and riches will be won by personal merit.
  2. Rises from the wrist - Early responsibility - free to select and chalk out a career on one's own.
  3. Rises from the Mount of Moon - The destiny will be subject to the influence of external factors other than personal efforts.
  4. Rises from the wrist and tied down to Life Line - The early portion of the life will be spent to satisfy the wishes of the parents or relatives.
  5. Rises from the wrist and proceeds on Mount of Saturn - Sign of extreme good fortune and success.
  6. Rises from the Line of Head - Success will be won late in life.
  7. Rises from the Line of Heart - After a difficult struggle success will be won
  8. Rising from the Mount of Venus - A troubled life in early childhood due to family circumstances.
  9. Rising from the Plain of Mars - The first two decades of life wasted purposelessly.

Marks On Line

  1. Crossed and barred - Unfortunate sign - obstacles.
  2. Star on the Lines - Bad sign - career of he subject uncertain
  3. Island at the termination - Career would end in despair - may also indicate tragic death
  4. Island on Line - Misfortune, loss or adversity.
  5. Island at the beginning - Some mystery in the birth of the individual.
  6. Ends in a cross or a star - Death by violence
  7. Two islands forming the figure 8 at starting point of the Line - Gift of second sight - intuitive abilities.
  8. Square on the Line - Protection from loss of money or failure in business or in profession.
  9. Sister Fate Line - Excellent sign - two distinct careers

Characteristics Of Line

  1. Deep Line - Perseverance in an occupation not to the taste of the subject - a strain of the will power - often nervous breakdowns.
  2. Wavy line - A quarrelsome, changeable disposition - insufficient steadiness of purpose.
  3. Deep and irregular - Constant irritability - ultra - nervous disposition
  4. Poorly traced as it approaches the center of the hand - Troubles in middle life.
  5. Broken and irregular - Career uncertain - ups and downs of success.
  6. Reaches Mount of Sun - A prominent public life or success in art, sculpture, painting or money - making.
  7. Reaches Mount of Mercury - Mark of a prominent scientist or businessman.
  8. Reaches Mount of Jupiter - Fulfillment of ambitions - power and position in life - particularly in public life.
  9. Chained - Difficult childhood often due to loss of money or position of the subject's parents.
  10. Crossed by the Heart Line - Success will be ruined on account of illicit love affairs.
  11. Crossed by the Line of Head - Success thwarted by some stupidity or blunder of the subject
  12. Break in the Line - Major change of occupation - misfortune and loss.
  13. A strong Line after the break - The position of the subject would improve after some change in his career.
  14. Barred Line - Money earned through different sources.
  15. Chained when it crosses the Line of Heart - Trouble in love.