Heart Line Close Towards Fingers | Palmistry

Jealous & Sensual Person - Indian Palmistry

Sign Of Sensuality and Jealousy | Jealous & Sensual Person | Indian Palmistry

If heart line placed too high (towards the fingers or close to the fingers), denotes jealousy and sensuality.

If there is a big gap between fingers and heart line then subject is broadminded.

If heart line is short then subject is emotionless.

If heart line is long then subject is over emotional.

If heart line is curve or bend towards head line then subject takes decision from brain than heart.

If head line is curve or bend upward towards heart line then subject takes decision from heart than brain.

If heart line ends under Saturn Mount then subject is introvert and sensual.

If branch of heart line (downward or upward) cuts fate line or sun line then it indicates emotional setback, financial loss due to opp. sex, and loss of reputation due to opp. sex., etc.

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