The Great Triangle Palmistry

The Great Triangle Palmistry

The Great Triangle is formed by the Lines of Life, Head, and Health. If the Line of Health is absent, as is frequently the case, its place is filled by an imaginary line to form the base of the Triangle, otherwise the Line of Apollo forms the base (Fig. 13). Three angles are formed in the Great Triangle by the Lines of Life, Head, and Health. The first or upper angle is formed by the Lines of Life and Head; the second or middle angle is formed by the Lines of Head and Health; the third or lower angle is formed by the Lines of Health and Life. When the Great Triangle is well formed by the Lines of Life, Head, and Health, it denotes a good future and longevity.

A good Line of Life ensures a long life; a well-developed Line of Head indicates broad-minded thinking; a sound Line of Health signifies good health. All these contribute greatly towards a good livelihood. If any of the lines is defective, the positive effects related to that line will not be realized.