Who Is A Palmist

A palmist is a psychic who feels the awe of life without knowing why.

Magic and mystery attract them.

A palmist has the ability to read palms—to read the book of nature.

There is no study more arduous or more fascinating, nor one that will repay the time and labor spent upon it with more interest.

A palmist resents being deceived. Palmists are alive with instincts and impressions.

A palmist has highly developed intuitive faculties, in tune to one's feelings. A palmist is especially adept at guiding one towards their transformation, awakening individuals to their potential for love, happiness and prosperity.

A palmist empowers one to break free of past obstacles; helps one to discover their gifts.

A palmist can outline problem areas and suggest strategies and options for continued growth. Energy blocks must be released to allow for the present-time ecstasy and spiritual wealth.

A palmist can access hidden memories and help one to under-stand present conditions and issues.  [http://indianpalmreading.blogspot.com]

A palmist allows you to see, hear for yourself and to experience the latest developments in your life.

A palmist helps people to center and expand their frame of reference, to increase their self-awareness and to deepen their experience.