No Fate Line or Missing Fate Line Or Absent Of Fate Line - Palmistry

No Fate Line or Missing, Absent Of Fate Line - Palmistry

No Fate Line | Absence or Missing of the Fate Line

Absent of fate line doesn't mean you don't have career during the life. 

It indicates you always change your job and don’t have a permanent occupation in your life. This may be caused by your careless character. Or you couldn’t find a job that you are interested in.

Sometimes you will find that the Fate Line is missing on the hands. 

This certainly does not mean that the subject will not be a success in life several wealthy people do not have Fate Lines on their hands. 

I have found that on the hands of wealthy people without Fate Lines the mounts of the hand were well-developed, the palm was broad, the hand showed a materialistic outlook, the thumb was strong, the fingers were evenly set on the palm, and there were favorable signs such as the fish temple, and trident on the hand. 

This explained why these subjects were wealthy and successful, in spite of the missing Fate Line.

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