No Fate Line On Hands In Palmistry

Absence of the Fate Line (No Fate Line)

No Fate Line Or Missing Fate Line Or Absence Of Fate Line On Hand - Palmistry

As you know, fate line is a vertical line on the hand which always ends underneath the middle finger or the Saturn finger.

But sometimes you will find that the Fate Line is missing on the hands or no fate line on hand.

This certainly does not mean that the subject will not get success in his/her life. There are several wealthy people who do not have Fate Lines on their hands.

I have found that on the hands of wealthy people (without Fate Line) the mounts of the hand were well-developed, the palm was broad, the hand showed a materialistic outlook, the thumb was strong, the fingers were evenly set on the palm, and there were favorable signs such as the fish, temple, and trident on the hand.
This explained why these subjects were wealthy and successful, in spite of the missing Fate Line.

The absence of a Fate Line is only adverse for material success if there are no compensating features on the hand.

The missing Fate Line means that the subject rises by sheer hard work and determination.

Such men do not believe in luck or chance but in grabbing every opportunity that comes their way to achieve success in life.

However, a missing Fate Line does show some major defects in the psychology of the subject. It tends to suggest a certain lack of direction in life.

Should a multi-millionaire be without a Fate Line, it would mean that he does not know what to do with his wealth. In that sense, the missing Fate Line is a psychological handicap for the subject.