Calculate Age From Life Line In Palmistry

How To Calculate Age Of Person From Life Line 

All of you definitely would have questions coming to mind like whether I will be having a short lifespan?  How long my lifespan would be?  Till what age I will be alive?

Knowing the age of the person from the life line:

In palmistry books, it is said that if the person's heart line is small then the person is short-lived, if the head line is small then the person is short-lived, and if the life line is small then the person is short-lived, if at the end of the lifeline there is a cross it indicates untimely death of the person! Many such types of yogas are given in the palmistry books but these do not have any authenticity.

Often people start worrying by reading these books that perhaps God has given them a short age, but this is not the case! When the life line is small, the fate line coming from the wrist (bracelet) works for the lifeline.  It is never appropriate to estimate the age of the person from the lifeline!  Ups and downs coming in the person's health and family situation is estimated by life line.

Here is the picture of the hand of Hollywood's famous artist Gary Coleman.  You can see that his life line is reaching the wrist and it is clear, but Gary Coleman died at the age of 42.

death from life line

short life death line

Here is a picture of the hand of Hollywood's famous artist Jade Goody.  You can see that her life line is ending at the age of 50-55, and in such a situation, the fate line works as the lifeline but Jade Goody died at just 28 years old!

Here is a picture of the hand of Tamil film's famous artist Saundarya.  You can see that her lifeline is ending near the wrist but Saundarya passed away only 28 years old.

hand predict death from short life line

So you can see that even after having a good life line, these artists died at a young age, and in contrast, there are people who have a long life despite having a short life line, reason being the fate line emerging from near the life line works as life line.

Therefore, it is never right to guess the age from the life line.

Nitin Kumar Palmist