Combination Of Lines On Hand Indicates Subject Is Rich Or Poor

Rich and Poor Yogas

If there is a good fate line in the hand as well as a good sun line then the person enjoys happiness and prosperity in his life, and in contrast, if there is lack of fate line and sun line in the hand, then the person has to face difficulties in life!

In the hands of a wealthy person, origin of fate line is from Moon/Ketu mount and it ends on the Saturn mount without any defects! The fate line should be free of defects and should not be having many cuts, meaning that it should not be cut by any obstacle line! Along with the fate line there should be a good sun line without any defects! If there is such a fate line and sun line in the hand then the person without any doubt will be enjoying a luxurious life! (Fig-1)

Fig 2

The person who is wealthy since birth has the island between the first and second halves of his thumb! (Fig-2)


In the hands of the poor, the fate line and the sun line are often lacking! In the hands of the poor, there is a web of lines!  The person who is having a web of lines in his hand has to face many difficulties in life! The fate line and the sun line loses their effectiveness! Due to the formation of web of lines, there are continuous obstacles in the life of the person! (Fig. 3)

Hence, the more clear and without defects are the fate line and the sun line the more successful will be the person and the more defects the fate line and sun line have, the person will have to suffer as much difficulties!

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