How To Differentiate Between Island on Sun Line And Fish Sign On Sun Line

What is the main difference between Island and Fish Sign

Meaning Of Island

Island is small oval shape sign or wheat grain shape which is always considered to be inauspicious.  Island on lines indicate health problems, accidents and losses.  

Meaning Of Fish Sign

Fish sign is always considered to be auspicious sign.  Fish sign is described in Hindu Palmistry but not mentioned in Western Palmistry.  Fish sign is mostly found at the end of lifeline.

You can read full detailed post about fish sign here - Fish Sign On Life Line

Also read amazing post on five lucky signs on hand - 5 Lucky Hindu Signs In Indian Palmistry

There is no fish sign or fish tail or kite sign on Mount of Sun or on Sun Line so there is no need to confuse about fish sign or island on sun line because fish sign is only found at the end of life line or on area between Mount of Moon to Mount of Venus because fish can be seen only in sea and river and area between Mount of moon and Mount of Venus represents water. Nitin Kumar Palmist

Mount of Moon represents travel, thoughts, imagination, and creative thinking, etc.  Mount of Venus represents love, sex, beauty, marriage, family, etc.

Now I am showing below image with island on sun line and fish sign on life line so everything will be clear in your mind about island and fish sign.  See below image:-

You can see in the above image there is an island on sun line (if you will find this type of sign on sun line then always consider this as an island instead of fish sign).  Also you can see big fish sign at the end of life line.

Nitin Kumar Palmist