All Signs On Little Finger | Palmistry

A plus sign on the first phalange of the little finger gives a broad and robust physique.

Signs on the Little Finger (Mercury Finger)

1. A plus sign on the first phalange of the little finger gives a broad and robust physique. Mental and physical activities interest these individuals. Sport personalities, including those who play Chess, may have this sign. However, the sign of the cross gives a slim or small but strong physique. 

What is the meaning of gap between fingers, you can read here about Gap Between Little Finger and Ring Finger

2. Vertical line/s on this finger are considered lucky. However, cutting of these vertical lines by thin horizontal lines, brings hurdles and obstacles in the path of success.

3. Black or red dots on the first phalange of this finger brings wealth. If this dot is in the forepart of this phalange, in addition to money, the person is fond of good food and will gain through real estate deals. Along with other positive signs on the hand, success in book writing is seen. If this dot is right on this phalange, in addition to money, the person is fond of good music and falls in and out of love easily, and moves in the company of powerful men and women.

4. Three straight lines on this finger may bring many awards, position and honour in society. Also gains in landed property, vehicles, and expensive clothes. He/she may travel and visit many foreign lands. In my experience, such persons have an interest in yoga, mystique, philanthropy and spirituality.

5. Two or three straight lines starting from the Mount of Mercury and entering the third phalange of this finger, may mean a career in medicine.

6. Two or three straight lines on the Mount of Mercury and one entering the second phalange, may give money, high social status and professional position.

7. With the sign of a cross on the third phalange of the finger, enmity and jealousy may bring hindrances in the professional path. 

8. The sign of a half circle brings wealth through illegal and immoral means.

9. Struggles and hardships, especially in childhood and adolescence, can be predicted if there are many crisscross lines on the first phalange of this finger.

Nitin Kumar Palmist