Area Between Heart Line And Head Line - Great Rectangle

Area Between Heart Line And Head Line - Great Rectangle

The area between the Heart Line and the Head Line is called by palmists as the Great Rectangle.

When a client asks a question about indebtedness look at this Great Rectangle. If it is wider towards the Mount of Jupiter (See Pic: 6/64) it would be difficult to recover the money lent. If it is broader towards the Defensive Mars (See Fig. 6/65) even then the recovery would be difficult. But if the Great Rectangle is narrow towards the Defensive Mars (See Fig. 6/66) the money lent would never be lost.

If an island lying on the area between the two phalanges of the thumb is cut up (See again Fig. 6/56) it indicates worries connected with the money lent.

If an influence line cuts the line between the two phalanges of the thumb (Sex Fig. 6/55) there are troubles in getting one's patrimony.

great triangle