Profit, Money, Fortune And 11th House On Hand Palmistry

The 11th House
(Profit, Money, And Fortune)

The fate line, sun line and Venus mount determine 11th house.  When we find more than one fate line on the hand, the person receives monetary benefit from various sources (more than one income sources).
11th house on hand

When the Sun line has united with the fate line, the person will be the recipient of unexpected profits. If the fate line has started from mount Venus, he will receive fortune from a lady relative. In case the Sun line has run into the Venus mount he will get much money from others or from female relations on the mother's side. When the Sun mount bears stars the person will earn lakhs of rupees from commercial transactions, when the Sun lines do not contain more than one or two crosses and proceeding join the fate line, the person stands to benefit from unexpected income and earn fame.

When the Sun lines join the fate line issuing from mount of Luna, as indicated above, the person will enjoy a large income in a foreign country or far away from the native place.

If the Sun line has proceeded intensely towards the Mars and Mercury mounts the subject will receive unexpected profits.

When we find the star sign on the Mercury mount and the Sun line is fine the subject will reap unexpected success in commerce; the same favorable result will be evident when the Sun line runs prominently into mount Luna; in case the fate line runs fine from the Moon to the Jupiter mount and the Sun and Venus mounts are prominent great profits, excessive riches will accrue.

When the colour of the hand is rosy or resembles that of copper in colour, and the Sun and Mercury mounts are exaggerated (elevated) the person will win riches though there may, be no fate line or when the colour is golden, then too the person will gain profits and riches.

When the cross is absent on the Venus mount and we find a fine whorl on the Sun finger, the person will reap profits and riches. You can visit Indian Palm Reading Blog to read more articles written by Nitin Kumar Palmist. Further, the existence of fine, straight, long lines on the second and third phalanges of the sun finger will bring much wealth to the possessor.

If the sun lines have proceeded to the third and second phalanges, it means that the person will be wealthy in his old age.

Nitin Kumar Palmist

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