Meaning Of Support Line In Palmistry


Supportive Line On Hand

support line from main lines

Support Line On Hand

Many times you will find auxiliary line or supplementary line on hand with main line to support the main line.

There are so many lines on the hand, but not all lines are main lines, most of the lines are influence lines or auxiliary lines which affect the present time of subject.

The many auspicious and inauspicious signs that you see on the hand are made from these auxiliary lines and effect lines.

It is known from the name of auxiliary line/supportive line that the line which moves along with the main line or is moving along with it after coming out of the main line.

Support Lines With Main Line:  If main line is broken or defected but there is an assistant line (supportive line) with main line then assistant line/support line reduce the bad effect of main line. The subject will be saved from bad effects of broken main line.

The subsidiary line, if the main line is already good, adds "more luck" to the fortune.

Gives good success to the person. If the main line is weak then it strengthens it and removes the person's weak time without much trouble.

Sometimes another line starts running upward along with the main line as an auxiliary line which strengthens the main line and removes its weakness.

If the main line is broken in the middle and the supportive line is strong, then there is no major harm to the person because the auxiliary line corrects the defects of the main line.

Many times the support line rises from main line shows the person promoted, or change of job place.