Bad Health Vs Good Health On Palm

Bad Health Vs Good Health On Palm

You can get an idea about your health through the health line, life line, heart line, and head line on your palm. Mostly poor health indicates when a dot, cross, break, island, or any other bad sign is found on the life line, health line, head line, etc.

Good Health Signs

1) There is no health line on the palm or no bad sign present on the health line.

2) The fate line is straight, and there are no rahu lines present on hand.

3) The life line is round and without any bad signs on it.

4) No crisscross/zigzag lines on hand.

Bad Health Signs

1) If there are so many crisscross lines on your hand, like a spiderweb, then it is a clear indication of bad health, too many obstacles, and delays in each aspect of life.

2) If the main lines are not good on the palm, then there are always chances of bad health.

3) If there is any island present on the life line, then it indicates bad health at that particular age.

4) If there is any defect/bad sign on the life line, then it indicates bad health, mostly at the particular age where the defect/bad sign is found.

5) A break on the heart line, head line, or life line also indicates bad health or a chance of an accident.

6) If your health line is in parts, then it indicates indigestion issues and weak health.

7) If your bracelet lines are not good or broken, then there are always chances of weak immunity and general weakness.

8) The downward lines at the end of life line show bad health in old age.

There are so many other signs and indications on hand that indicate bad health, but the above are the most common.

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