5 Sign Of Weak Personality On Hand Palmistry

5 Sign Of Weak Personality On Hand Palmistry

Many times you also come across people whose personality is different and their confidence is very low and they are introverts.  In this post you will learn signs of weak personality on hand.

5 Sign Of Weak Personality On Hand Palmistry

1) If subject's head line is tie with life line till mount rahu (middle finger) then it indicates late maturity, cowardness, cautious, habit of delay things, and weak personality.

2) If subject's Jupiter mount is flat then it indicates suicidal tendencies, low confidence, no interest in life, weak in studies, and neurological issues.

3) If subject's heart line ends under middle finger then it indicates subject is introvert, love to stay at home, hide many things in his heart and mind, but sexual dreamer.

4) If subject's thumb is close to index finger or low angle thumb then it indicates subject's nature is gullible, careless, weak concentration, and miser.

5) If subject's life line is close to the thumb then it indicates subject is less interested in social life, low energy, stay at home, family person, sexually weak, dull personality, and sick easily.  

Also Read:  Cross On Jupiter Mount Palmistry