Read Active Hand Or Inactive Hand | Palmistry

Read Active Hand Or Inactive Hand | Palmistry

How To Determine Weather You're Right Handed Or Left Handed?

In palmistry generally, "Active Hand or Dominant Hand" refers to the right hand and "Inactive Hand or Non-Dominant Hand" refers to the left hand.

How Can You Tell If You're Left-Handed Or Right-Handed?

Most people predominantly use their right hand for activities such as writing, eating, chopping vegetables, etc., while very few use their left hand for these tasks.

Those who primarily use their left hand for activities are called "lefties."

You might have noticed in cricket that players bat either right-handed or left-handed, meaning a left-handed batsman holds the bat with their left hand below, while a right-handed batsman holds it with their right hand below.

Whenever our face is towards the east, our right hand (Active Hand) faces south and our left hand (Inactive Hand) faces north.

If our face is towards the south, our right hand faces west, and our left hand faces east.

In palmistry, both the left and right hands hold significant importance.

In Indian palmistry, it was traditionally believed that a man's right hand should be examined and a woman's left hand should be examined, and this belief held true because a hundred years ago, women did not work outside their homes; they solely managed household affairs.

However, times have changed, and most women have started working jobs.

Therefore, now the dominant hand, whether right or left, is examined for both men and women who are working professionals.