Which Line In The Hand Is The Death Line - Palmistry

Which Line In The Hand Is The Death Line - Palmistry

Which Line in the Hand is the Death Line - Palmistry

In palmistry, many combinations and signs have been described concerning death, but it is not always the case that they are accurate. Therefore, a palm reader should be very cautious when making predictions and should alert the person with due care.

Predicting death is highly inappropriate and unethical, so a palmist should always maintain a distance from such matters.

If a palm reader feels that a person’s life is in danger, they can alert the person to the potential threat and suggest astrological remedies.

  1. If the lifeline is broken or has islands at the same place on both hands, the person might fall ill or face an accident.
  2. If there is an island on the lifeline and a cross within it, it indicates the death of a family member.
  3. Whenever a black mole appears on a line, especially the lifeline, it is considered a sign of a serious illness.
  4. If the health line intersects with the lifeline and reaches the Mount of Venus, there is a possibility of death due to an accident.
  5. If there is a cross or island sign on the lower Mount of Mars, the person might face a severe accident, attack, or even commit suicide.
  6. If all three major lines (Head, Life, and Heart) merge, the person might commit suicide or have a short lifespan.
  7. If the Headline runs parallel and below the lifeline to the wrist, the person might become depressed and either commit suicide or drown.

In this way, palmistry describes many signs related to death, such as the death of a family member, early death of parents, death of a sibling, death of a spouse, sudden death, death after a prolonged illness, death abroad, drowning, or committing suicide, etc.

These are indicated by the breakage of particular lines or the presence of negative signs (cross, island, or mole) on those lines. For instance, if there is a mole on the marriage line, it might indicate the death of the husband, or if the marriage line touches the heart line, this might also be possible. Similarly, a broken sibling line might indicate the early death of a brother or sister, etc.

It is very important to clarify that the results of such signs are never found to be 100% accurate, so one should always exercise great caution while making such predictions.

Also Read:  Calculate Age From Life Line Hand Reading