Mystic Cross Indicates Psychic Power | Indian Palmistry

Mystic Cross Between Head Line and Heart Line On Hand

Quadrangle: The quadrangle lies between the head line and the heart line. You will find a square, cross, and triangle in between the head line and the heart line, inside the quadrangle.

Mostly cross between head line and heart line shows inclination towards astrology and occult science.

There is a contradiction between an independent mystic cross and a common cross, which is formed between the head line and the heart line, because you will find a cross between the heart line and the head line in most hands because there is a common downward line from the heart line that goes towards the head line or life line. Obviously, every person is not an astrologer or psychic.

Independent Cross In The Quadrangle 

A cross formed independently in the quadrangle under the mount of Saturn is called “Mystic cross” is a favorable sign for aptitude in occult sciences. It should neither touch the main lines and nor be formed by the main lines.

Palm Reading Psychic Cross

You may also like to read meaning of cross sign on mounts and lines of palm in palmistry.

Mystic Cross On Hand

Mystic Cross In The Quadrangle Indian Palmistry

Meaning of Mystic Cross On Both Palms

Different types of mystic cross and their meaning - you will find cross touching fate line, head line or double mystic cross in side quadrangle.
Cross touching Heart line 

If a cross in the quadrangle not touching the fate and sun lines but touching the heart line, indicates a favorable influence of opposite sex on the person.

Cross touching Head line

If a cross in the quadrangle not touching the fate and sun lines but touching the head line, indicates that the subject gains favors for himself from the persons of opposite sex and friends.

Cross touching Fate line 

If a cross touching the fate line is a fortunate symbol found in the hands of religious authorities.

Mystic cross on Fate Line

In palmistry, the "fate line" is believed to indicate the individual's life path, career, and major life events. The presence of a "mystic cross" on the fate line is considered significant by some palmists. 

The mystic cross, also known as the "cross of witches" or "mystic triangle," typically forms when smaller lines intersect with the fate line, creating a cross-like symbol. Some palmists believe that the mystic cross indicates protection, spiritual guidance, or a turning point in one's life. It may suggest a time of introspection, spiritual growth, or a significant event that could influence the individual's life path.

If you are reading hand of astrologer then you need to check other signs of psychic powers and inclination towards astrology like ring of Solomon, yav on thumb, long mars line, etc. 

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