Marriage Line Touching Heart And Head Line Palmistry

Marriage Line Touching Heart And Brain Line After Being Punctured By Other Lines (Mental Tension And Lunacy Caused By Marriage) - Palm Reading

Marriage line crossed head line and heart line

If marriage-line is transversed/intersected or punctured by a vertical line, and its one branch or a suddenly emerging line intersects brain-line or heart-line and also if a sign of star or an island also touches this line, then it should be taken for granted that marital life will be like hell and also replete with miseries, tribulations and troubles.

This factor can also become a contributory factor in causing mental festivity and trouble to the native(s) (see fig. 344) Similarly the said chance-line can also vitiate and adversely impact other mounts and sites too. If this line touches the lifeline, then marital problems and hurdles will adversely cast damaging effect upon native's health, and ultimately it might cause danger to his/her life even. Hence, it is essential that this line and its various impacts should be thoroughly studied before any prediction is made.

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