Palmistry Profession Lines & Signs | Lawyer | Politician | Musician

Palmistry Profession Lines & Signs | Lawyer | Politician | Musician


The Head Line is separate from the Life Line at the beginning and forks at the end. The Head Line is good, defectless and goes to the upper mount of Mars. The Life Line starts from the mount of Jupiter. The nails are short, the palm is flat and the fourth finger is a little curved and has a square nail, its tip turning to the third finger.

If his thumb is straight and its middle phalange is long, he practises criminal law. If the Head Line goes to the mount of Luna, he takes up civil cases generally. Both the mounts of Mars are developed and good, finger-tips are square and the fingers close to one another. If the Fate line goes to the mount of Jupiter, success and fame are assured. Later in life he may become a judge.

Short nails make a person a critic. If the fourth finger is long, he is a good orator, and can express himself fluently in the court. He has knotted fingers, and is, therefore, analytical and methodical. If the mount of Mercury and the fourth finger are well-formed, the person can become a judge, a professor or a banker.


The texture of the hand is fine. The lines of Sun and Head are well-formed and the mounts of Moon and Venus are developed. The fingers are smooth, straight and their tips are square, conic or spatulate which will influence the selection of the type of music. A composer of music also has the above signs, but he also has his first and fourth fingers pointed and second and third spatulated.

If the Saturn finger is long and its mount developed, he plays on string instruments.

A vocalist has all the mounts, especially the mount of Venus, developed, with hands and fingers short and smooth. The fourth finger is soft and tender. There are many lines (grille) on the mount of Venus.
Philosopher The hands are angular. The fingers are long and bony with knotty joints and conic tips. The palm is thin, with fine lines of Head and Heart.


The hand is well-shaped with the main lines well marked. The mount of Jupiter is specially good and the mounts of Sun, Mercury, Mars and Venus are also well-developed there are vertical lines on any of these mounts. There is a star on the first phalange of the first finger. The Sun line goes from the mount of Venus to the mount of Sun. The Fate line is good and goes to the mount of Jupiter, starting from the mount of Moon in some cases. The thumb is prominent and has a waist-like appearance from the middle. A sign of flag or trident on the mount of Jupiter or Venus gives fame. A triangle on the mount of mercury or Jupiter shows success in the political field.  The tips of the fingers are square and nails healthy and bright.

Read More - Career Line On Hand