Mounts On Palm
Mounts On Hand |
1. Mercury
2. Sun
3. Saturn
4. Jupiter
5. Lower Mars
6. Venus
7. Moon
8. Upper Mars
9. Plain Of Mars
10. Rahu
11. Ketu
Mount of Jupiter : Underneath Index Finger.
Represents: Father, Leadership, Morality, Marriage, Spirituality, Self-Respect, & Ambition.
Diseases: Blood disorder, Acne, Burn, throat, liver and spleen.
Mount of Saturn : Underneath Middle Finger.
Represents: Mother, Poverty, Lifespan, Fate, Money, Accidents, & Occult Science.
Diseases: Depression, Wounds, Leg, Teeth, Spine, Vein, Childlessness, Arthritis, Ear and Suicide.
Mount of Sun : Underneath Ring Finger.
Represents: Success, Name & Fame, Wealth, Reputation, Debt & Defamation.
Diseases: Heart, Eye, BP, and Acidity.
Mount of Mercury : Underneath Little Finger.
Represents: Sports, Science, Speech, Medical, Finance, Business & Marriage.
Diseases: Skin, Voice disorder, & Wound.
Mount of Upper Mars : Between Mount of Moon and Mount of Mercury.
Represents: Religion, Courage and Mental strength.
Diseases: Intestine, Operation, Bronchitis, Lungs and Asthma.
Mount of Lower Mars : Between Mount of Jupiter and Mount of Venus.
Represents: Fight, Physical strength and Fear.
Diseases: Accidents, Operation, Blood disorder and Piles.
Mount of Venus : Area covered by Life Line.
Represents: Sex, Romance, Love, Relatives, Friends, Vehicle and Siblings.
Diseases: Venereal, Prostrate gland, STD, UTI and gynec.
Mount of Moon : Underneath Upper Mars.
Represents: Imagination, Plan, Water, Partner, Intuition and Travel.
Diseases: Kidney, Mental, Sinusitis, and Stone.
Mount of Dragon's Tail/South Node (Ketu) : Middle of Mount of Moon and Venus.
Represents: Mercy, Moksha (Spiritual Liberation), Divine Knowledge.
Diseases: Skin, Leucoderma and Leprosy.
Mount of Dragon's Head/North Node (Rahu) : Between Upper and Lower Mount of Mars.
Represents: Problems, Quarrel, Deception, Fraud and Financial Loss.
Diseases: Stomach, Accident, Operation and Back.
Life Line : This line is believed to represent the person's vitality and vigor, physical health and general well being. The life line is also believed to reflect major life changes, including cataclysmic events, physical injuries, and relocation.
1. Chained Life Line : Ill-Health, Weak Constitution.
2. Short Life Line : If life line is short then read fate line and line of mars.
3. Long Life Line : Good Health.
4. Broken Life Line : Change of residence or health problem.
5. Double Life Line : Protection from life threatening incident.
Heart Line : The heart line is the first of the major lines examined by a palm reader and represents love and attraction. It is found towards the top of the palm, under the fingers. Palmists interpret this line to represent matters of the heart.
1. Broken Heart Line: Troubled relationships and Heartbreak.
2. Short Heart Line: Short Heart line shows a lack of interest in the affairs of love and affections.
3. Long Heart Line: Overemotional, Jealousy & sensuality.
4. Chained Heart Line: Pessimistic, anxiety, depression and fearful.
Head Line: The Head Line runs horizontally above the Life Line. Head Line signifies intelligence, mental stress, mental illness and concentration.
1. Broken Head Line: Head injury and mental stress.
2. Long Head Line: Sharp Memory.
3. Short Head Line: Dependent on others, unstable thoughts and impatient.
4. Curved Head Line: Imaginative.
5. Straight Head Line: Practical thinking.
6. Too Short Head Line: Mental illness and retarded.
Fate Line: Fate line starts from anywhere but always ends on Mount of Saturn. Fate Line is a road map of career.
1. Absent Fate Line: Success only after hard work.
2. Long Fate Line: Good Success.
3. Starts from the Life Line - Self made.
4. Starts from the Wrist Line - Troublesome childhood and early responsibility.
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Sun Line: Sun Line always ends on Mount of Sun. Sun Line determines popularity and success in life and gives success in financial and fame matters.
1. Long Sun Line: Good financial status and early success.
2. Broken Sun Line: Loss of reputation and financial loss.
3. Short Sun Line: Late Success.
Mars Line:The Mars Line rises on the lower Mount of Mars and runs inside of the Life line. Mars Line is supportive line of Life Line. It gives strength to Life Line.
1. Broken Mars Line: Family and Health related problems.
2. Long Mars Line: Good health and success in medical and astrology field.
3. Many Mars Line: Influence of more than one person in life.
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DOUBLE LINES: Always consider long line as main line.
Double Life Line: Good Health and good support from family and spouse. Good name and fame in society and works for charity and humanity.
Double Head Line: Talented or concentration issues and fickle minded (if head line defected). Always consider long and good head line as main head line and other line as second head line or sub head line. Some Indian Palmists consider double head line as unmarried, problem in married life, famous person and famous businessman.
Double Heart Line: An excessive need for emotional interaction. Man with double heart line: Extraordinary virility. Woman with double heart line shows no gynecological issues or less issues.
Double Mars Line: Mars Line is also known as sister line of lifeline. Influence of spouse or influence of opp. sex (outside of marriage).
Double Fate Line: : Two income sources, two relationships (one outside of marriage), and success in two fields.
to be continued....
It is very difficult to tell someone that you will get
success in this field but in palmistry there are some signs which indicate
success in particular field. There are
so many signs but here I would like to share some common signs.
I would like to mention something before describing those
signs that for getting success in any field subject must have good sun line
with good fate line. If sun line is not
present on the palm then subject needs to do a lot of hard work for getting success in life and if both sun and fate line are absent
on palm then subject is always unsuccessful due to bad luck. If Rahu lines are present on the palm it
indicates struggle and losses. If
horizontal bar lines cut subject’s fate line frequently it indicates frequent
hurdles in career.
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Machhli Rekha: Macch Rekha gives strength to Life line and indicates hereditary disease.
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Diksha Rekha: Also known as Ring of Solomon. Ring of Jupiter indicates that subject will earn money from his cleverness. Also the subject inclines towards mysticism and spiritualism.
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Kuthara Rekha: Also known as Sword Line or Axe Line. Axe Line shows various troubles in life.
Sarpa Rekha: Also known as Wavy Line or Serpent Line. Wavy Line is an unfavourable sign.
Kapi Rekha: If there is a triangle at the end of the line of Fate, Life Line, Head Line, and Sun Line then it is called Kapi Rekha or Hanwant Rekha. This kind of line indicates that the person is a devotee of goddess Durga, Kali or Saraswati.
to be continued....
Influence Line goes towards mount of sun from life line indicates government service.
Branch of sun line meets fate line indicates job in government.
Branch of fate line goes towards mount of jupiter indicates high rank in govt. service.
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The Girdle of Venus is a semicircle or similar to a crescent moon underneath the fingers. Venus of Girdle covers both the Mount of Sun and the Mount of Saturn.
The Girdle of Venus indicates moodiness, fickleness, mood swings and romantic nature.
If the Girdle of Venus crosses sun line or fate line, then indicates loss of fortune by someone you love.
Broken Venus of Girdle indicates self-indulgent, and moodiness (examine Mount of Venus also).
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Quadrangle: The quadrangle is lies between head and heart lines.
Independent Cross in the quadrangle: A cross formed independently in the quadrangle under the mount of Saturn is called “Mystic cross” is a favorable sign for aptitude in occult sciences. It should neither touch the main lines and nor be formed by the main lines.
Cross touching Heart line: If a cross in the quadrangle not touching the fate and sun lines but touching the heart line, indicates a favorable influence of opposite sex on the person.
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Traveling Lines are found on palm in following places:
1. Line going upwards from first line of bracelet.
2. Line starting from Life Line and going to Mount of Lower Moon or Mount of Ketu or running parallel to the Life Line.
3. Line starting from Mount of Lower Moon and going towards Life Line.
4. Line starting from Mount of Lower Mars and meeting the Life Line and going toward Mount of Rahu.
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Saturn Ring indicates loneliness from inside, interest in spirituality, interest in occult science, interest in lottery and gambling, pessimistic, etc.
The index finger has relations with the lungs, throat, spleen and gallbladder. Any deformity or abnormal development of index finger positively indicates troubles of these organs.
The abnormal middle finger indicates diseases of abdomen and organic defects of liver.
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Line from Mount of Lower Mars goes towards Mount of Saturn indicates accidents, if this type of line is forked at Mount of Saturn then indicates problem in married life or in women's hand problem related to uterus.
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Branch of Mars Line goes to Mount of Moon then person gets into some bad habit, addiction, alcohol, drugs, etc.
There are so many signs on palm which indicates subject's sexual desire, sexual disorders, sex problems and sex related diseases.
If lifeline goes to Mount of Moon then or Mount of Venus is vast then it indicates sensualness, venereal diseases or settlement in abroad.
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Intuition Line is a crescent moon shape or semicircular line which starts from Mount of Moon and ends on Mount of Mercury or near heart line.
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Ring of Solomon is also known as Ring of Jupiter, Jupiter Ring, Diksha Rekha, Veragaya Rekha, Bhrispati Mudrika and Guru Mudrika. Jupiter Ring is a half semi-circle line which covers Mount of Jupiter.
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The thumb is the representative of the entire hand/palm. The thumb is surprisingly more important than the lines on the palm. Although the thumb is one of the five fingers right from times immemorial unexpected significance is coveted to the thumb. That is the reason why it is known as the king of the palm.
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The mounts of different planets indicate more of a person's nature and mentality than lines on a palm because without considering these Mounts, one cannot accurately predict the impact of lines on one's palm. In order to predict anything one has to consider the Mounts along with lines, although a line could be very good, strong if the planet itself is not well disposed it will unfortunately not give desired results and would infact give opposite, evil effects. Hence, Mounts are of special significance. The illustration of the hand is given indicating the different Mounts.
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In Palmistry there are some yog, signs, mounts and lines in the palm which indicates richness and poverty. Fortunate sign (raj yog/laxmi yog) raise a person to richness, wealth even if he/she is born in poor family.
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