Success In Research Field Palmistry

Success In Research Field Palm Reading

Branch of sun line goes towards Mount of Saturn indicates success in research field and occult science. 

Defamation Due To Relationship | Sun Line Cross By Branch Of Heart Line

Sun Line Cross By Branch Of Heart Line

Sun Line Crossed By Branch Of Heart Line

If branch of heart line cut or cross sun line then it indicates loss of reputation due to relationship or affair.

This is an inauspicious sign which indicates defamation, slur, trap in scandal, trouble in career and job due to opp. sex.

भविष्य की जानकारी से दुर्घटनाओं व आपत्तियों से बचाव | Hastrekha Gyan

भविष्य की जानकारी से दुर्घटनाओं व आपत्तियों से बचाव - हस्तरेखा 

भविष्य की जानकारी से दुर्घटनाओं व आपत्तियों से बचाव

मान लीजिए कि आपको कार द्वारा आठ सौ मील दूर स्थित किसी नगर में पहुंचना है। वहाँ आप पहले कभी नहीं गये। ऐसी स्थिति में आप किसी जानकार से उस नगर तक पहुंचाने वाले मार्ग के बारे में जानेंगे या वहाँ तक जाने वाली सड़कों का (Road Map) रोड मैप लेंगे। इस रोड मैप और सडक पर लगे मार्ग चिह्नों को देखकर ही आप आने वाले मोड, पुलों, गति-सीमा, दुर्घटना सम्भावित स्थानों के बारे में पहले से ही जान लेंगे। इसके अनुसार ही आप अपनी कार चलायेंगे। इसी प्रकार हस्तरेखाओं द्वारा अपने भविष्य की सही जानकारी पाकर हम अपने जीवन में आने वाली बाधाओं, रागों, समस्याओं, दुर्घटनाओं आदि से बचते हुए जीवन-यात्रा को सुख तथा सुरक्षा के साथ व्यतीत कर सकते है।

अपने स्वभाव का ज्ञान सबसे बड़ी शक्ति है जिसका सही उपयोग कर हम अपने को सफल और सुखी बना सकते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, एक व्यक्ति को पॉमिस्ट ने बताया कि “तुम्हें बहुत गुस्सा आता है। अगर तुमने अपनी इस आदत को काबू में नहीं किया तो करीब 24 वर्ष की आयु में तुम किसी की हत्या कर दोगे और तुम्हें फाँसी भी हो सकती है लेकिन अगर तुम इससे बचना चाहते हो तो गुस्से की आदत को काबू में करो। यह अभी तुम्हारे वश में हैं, इस दुर्भाग्य की सम्भावना से बचा जा सकता है। उस व्यक्ति को वास्तव में बहुत गुस्सा आता था। उसे पॉमिस्ट की बात लग गयी और उसने अपने क्रोध को वश में करना शुरू कर दिया, उसे कामयाबी भी मिलने लगी। लेकिन बतायी गयी आयु में एक ऐसी घटना हो गयी कि वह क्रोध के वशीभूत होकर अपने एक विरोधी की हत्या करने पर उतारू हो गया। परन्तु उसी समय पॉमिस्ट की बात याद आयी, वह रुक गया और झगड़े को शान्तिपूर्वक सुलझा लिया।

इसी तरह नौकरी, व्यापार, प्रेम विवाह, मुकदमा, जमीन-जायदाद आदि सभी । मामलों में हस्तरेखा का सही ज्ञान होने से व्यक्ति अपने जीवन में सफलता और। सुख प्राप्त कर सकता है पर शर्त यही है कि व्यक्ति भविष्यवाणी के अनुसार अपने विचारों, आदतों तथा कर्मों में सुधार करे।

सरल हस्तरेखा पुस्तक की सभी पोस्ट यहाँ पढ़ें  - सरल हस्तरेखा शास्त्र 

हस्तरेखाओं का अध्ययन और भविष्यवाणी सम्बन्धी सावधानियाँ | Hast Rekha Shastra

हस्तरेखाओं का अध्ययन और भविष्यवाणी सम्बन्धी सावधानियाँ

हस्तरेखाओं का अध्ययन और भविष्यवाणी सम्बन्धी सावधानियाँ

पॉमिस्ट को चाहिए कि वह हाथ देखने से पूर्व अपने मन को शान्त और सन्तुलित कर ले और सारा ध्यान (क्लाइन्ट) जातक की हस्तरेखाओं आदि पर एकाग्र करे। हाथ दिखलाने वाले की बातों, पोशाक, पद, चेहरे, रिश्ते आदि से प्रभावित नहीं हो क्योंकि सब कुछ झूठा हो सकता है पर हाथ और उसकी रेखाएँ हमेशा सच बोलती हैं।

एकान्त स्थान में हाथ देखें, रेडियो, टी.वी. आदि को बन्द कर दें। हाथ देखने के लिए सुबह 7 बजे से 12 बजे तक का समय सर्वोत्तम रहता है, वैसे सूर्यास्त से पहले तक हाथ देखा जा सकता है। कमरे में ऐसा प्रकाश होना चाहिए कि आप दूसरे की सूक्ष्म रेखाओं को भी भली प्रकार देख सकें। | पूरा भोजन करने के बाद व्यक्ति की हस्तरेखाएँ हल्की पड़ जाती हैं। अत: उस समय हाथ नहीं देखना चाहिए। मैग्नीफाइंग ग्लास को साफ करके रखें और हस्तरेखाओं पर ठीक से फोकस करें।

क्लाइन्ट या जातक क्या-क्या जानना चाहता है, इसे एक डायरी में लिख लें और उसी के अनुसार हस्तरेखाओं को देखकर पहले अपने निरीक्षण को लिख लें। उनका सारांश निकालने के बाद पूरी बात बतायें।

यदि क्लाइन्ट हाथ का प्रिण्ट देना चाहे तो रोलर पर प्रिण्टिग पैड द्वारा प्रिण्टिग इंक लगाकर उसकी पूरी हथेली, अँगुलियों, अँगूठे पर भली प्रकार इंक की एक सामान्य परत चढ़ायें। रोलर को हाथ पर हल्के से ही चलायें, ज्यादा दबाव देने से इंक की रेखाओं के बीच जाने की सम्भावना होती है जिससे वे स्पष्ट छाप नहीं देतीं। इसके बाद एक सख्त तख्ती पर अच्छी क्वालिटी का सफेद कागज रखें और हाथ की छाप लें। ध्यान रखें कि आपको दाहिने और बायें दोनों हाथों का प्रिण्ट लेना है। सम्बन्धित सामान किसी भी स्टेशनरी की अच्छी दुकान से मिल सकता है।

दोनों हाथ देखें

क्लाइन्ट के दोनों हाथों को देखें, दाहिने हाथ द्वारा दी गयी जानकारी पर अधिक निर्भर करें और बायें हाथ की जानकारी को सहायक ज्ञान के रूप में लें। उदाहरणार्थ, यदि जीवन-रेखा दोनों हाथों में एक निश्चित आयु पर टूटी है तो मृत्यु की अत्यधिक सम्भावना है। बायाँ हाथ व्यक्ति द्वारा माता-पिता से पाया गया भाग्य आदि बताता है और दाहिना हमारे अपने कर्मों से बनता है। बायाँ हमारे स्वाभिक चरित्र को प्रभवित करता है और दाहिना हमारे प्रशिक्षण और परिस्थितियों को इसलिए दोनों हाथो का साथ साथ अध्ययन करने से ही भविष्य का पता लगाया जा सकता है लेकिन इस में दाहिने हाथ को अधिक महत्व देना चाहिए।

सरल हस्तरेखा पुस्तक की सभी पोस्ट यहाँ पढ़ें  - सरल हस्तरेखा शास्त्र 

About Me Indian Palmistry


I’m Nitin Kumar from India, a country well known for its ancient wisdom, resulting from thousands of years of traditions and I’d like to welcome you to my site and your journey towards exploring your palms and the fascinating art of palm reading. I hope you would find this humble effort of providing a little information from the huge and colossal wealth of classic Indian Vedic palmistry beneficial.

I have been practicing Indian Palmistry for a long time which is predictive palmistry covers practical aspects and provide guidance. During these years I have come across hands of all types and have analyzed lots of hands studying various aspects and interpretations and theories.

A few years ago I started a palmistry forum based on Indian Palmistry which contains articles and learning material regarding Indian Palmistry. I was having a lots of queries and mails on marriage issues, love marriage, relationship, separation, break-up divorce, etc. It is difficult for me to answer each query individually. So recently I have compiled an e-book on this topic of how to read your marriage/love line Line of Love in Palmistry which is now available free to read here.

I am working on learning palm reading online and plan to start online palm reading course soon.

The content and articles on the site are copyrighted and frequently added and updated.

Hand of Porn Star Pamela Anderson Indian Palmistry

Hand of Porn Star Pamela Anderson Indian Palmistry

Marriage Line is also called Line of Affection.  Marriage line does not necessarily show marriage it may only indicate attachment to someone male or female.  In other words this line can indicate anyone whom you consider a friend or loved one.  Marriage line is often found on porn star, prostitutes, unmarried person, celibates, saints (sadhu), and kinnar, bisexual, hinjda, eunuchs, and in such cases indicates strong friendship.  So every marriage line does not necessarily represent marriage but it does represent an affection that you have felt or feel for someone. 

Hand Image Of Carrie Prejean Palmistry

Hand Image Of Carrie Prejean Palm Reading

Hand Image Of Carrie Prejean Palmistry

How Many Times Will I Get Married Palm Reading | Marriage Line



If there is more than one or two Marriage Lines on hand then this does not mean that the person would marry two or three times. It does not mean that you will get married more than 3 or 4 times in life.

The Strong Marriage Line is indicating marriage in this period. Person with many Marriage Lines will be having trouble getting married. Yes there are chances if there are two strong Marriage Lines then sometimes person gets married two times or could have Extramarital Affair.

Indications Of Mother & Father Palmistry

Indications Of Mother & Father Palmistry

Indications Of Mother And Father On Hand In Palmistry

(Hast Rekha Mein Mata Pita Ka Anuman Lagana)

There are few signs (combinations/yog) on hand which indicates about parents (mother/father) health and financial position when subject is young or child.

1) Big island on life line at starting and one line crossing from this island indicates death of one parent.

2) Island at starting of fate line denotes weak financial status of parents or financial loss to family

3) No sun line and no fate line - Financial weak in childhood

4) Big trident on heart line - No support from parents (family disturbance/property dispute)

5) Island on head line - Mother's health is poor

6) Fish line at the end of life line denotes mother's health is poor

Palmistry Husband Line

Palmistry Husband Line

Husband Line On Hand In Palmistry

(Hast Rekha Mein Pati Ki Rekha)

Which Line In Hand Shows Husband?

1) Horizontal line underneath little finger which is also known as marriage line

2) Influence line from Mount of Moon and Mount of Venus touching fate line 

हस्तरेखा शास्त्र और परामनोविज्ञान (Palmistry & Parapsychology)

हस्तरेखा शास्त्र और परामनोविज्ञान (Palmistry And  Parapsychology) 

हस्तरेखा शास्त्र और परामनोविज्ञान (Palmistry &  Parapsychology)

हस्तरेखा शास्त्र और परामनोविज्ञान (Palmistry and Parapsychology) सृष्टि निर्माता ने मनुष्य का भाग्य उसकी हस्तरेखाओं में लिखकर एक महान रहस्यमय सत्य को उजागर किया है। हमारा भाग्य हमारे हाथों अर्थात् कर्मों से बनता है। कुछ हस्तरेखा शास्त्रियों द्वारा यह माना जाता है कि पूर्व जन्मों में किये कर्मों से अर्जित फल जो हमारे अचेतन मन में जमा होते हैं, वे भी हस्तरेखाओं में प्रकट हो जाते है। अभी इस जन्म में हम जिस स्थिति में हैं, वह हमारे पूर्वजन्म के कर्मफलों तथा वर्तमान जीवन में किये जानेवाले कर्मों का ही फल है।

यद्यपि कुछ धर्मों में पूर्वजन्म की धारणा को नहीं माना जाता परन्तु संसार में एक नहीं वरन् अनेक परामनोवैज्ञानिकों ने निष्पक्ष होकर जो खोजें की हैं उनसे उपर्युक्त तथ्य सही पाया गया है, उदाहरण के लिए, वर्जीनिया विश्वविद्यालय के पैथालॉजी विभाग के चेयरमेन डा. इआन स्टीवेन्सन (Dr. Ian Stevenson) ने ऐसे अनेक व्यक्तियों के मामलो (Cases)का अध्ययन किया था जिन्हें अपने पूर्वजन्म के कर्मों के बारे में ज्ञान था और उनके विवरणों के आधार पर निष्पक्ष अन्वेषण करने पर पता चला कि वे सही थे।

'नेशनल इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ मेन्टल हेल्थ एण्ड न्यूरो साइन्सेज' बंगलौर के निदेशक डा. आर. एम. वर्मा और डा. एच. एन. मूर्थी ने ऐसे 16 व्यक्तियों के मामलों (Cases) की सूक्ष्म जाँच कर यह स्वीकार किया था कि इन लोगों ने पूर्वजन्म की जिन घटनाओं, स्थानों, व्यक्तियों आदि के बारे में बताया था, वे सभी सत्य थे।

विदेशों में भी पूर्व जन्म के बारे में सूक्ष्म खोजबीन की जा चुकी है, उदाहरणार्थ गिना सर्मिनारा (Gina Cerminara) ने अपनी प्रसिद्ध पुस्तक ‘मेनी मैंसन्स' (Many Mansions) में पूर्वजन्मों की सत्य घटनाओं का उल्लेख कर यह सिद्ध किया है कि यह धारणा सही है और पूर्वजन्मों के कर्मों का प्रभाव वर्तमान जीवन पर पड़ता है। पूर्वजन्म के बारे में जानने के लिए एम. वी. कामथ की (Philosophy of Life of Death) पढ़िए।

इस प्रकार परमात्मा प्रत्येक जीवात्मा को अपनी चेतना का विकास करने का पूरा अवसर देता है। यह पूर्ण विकास है- अपने परमानन्द से पूर्ण आत्मस्वरूप को समझना तथा अनुभव करना। अत: हस्तरेखा शास्त्र व्यक्ति को अपनी चेतना का विकास करने की प्रेरणा देता है। यह प्रेरणा उसे अपने विचारों तथा कर्मों में श्रेष्ठता लाने का मार्ग दिखाती है। 

सरल हस्तरेखा पुस्तक की सभी पोस्ट यहाँ पढ़ें  - सरल हस्तरेखा शास्त्र 

Palmistry - Journey And Abroad/Overseas Travel


journey line and travel line on hand
Chart of Journey Line On Hand
According to Hindu Palmistry, the matter of deciding ravel in one's own country and overseas will depend on a consideration of the cross lines (these may be regarded as travel lines) which issue from the mount Luna above the bracelets and proceed to the vicinity of the mount of Mars.

From an examination of these lines, it is possible to determine a person's travel in one's own country or abroad. To predict foreign travel there must be a long cross line on mount Luna; indeed, it indicates travel to places hundreds of miles away from the place of birth. You can visit Indian Palm Reading Blog to read more articles written by Nitin Kumar Palmist. When a fate line has ascended upwards from that cross line, the person will make his earnings in a far off place.

When the fate line issuing from the travel line is split into shreds, the interpretation would be that the person will waste away needlessly all the money that he earns there from his profession.

If a subsidiary line of the life line has joined the cross line on the Moon mount, it means that the person will have sea voyage.

Fig. 9 (1,2,3). The travel line indicates that the person will live for some years in a foreign place.

(3) Shows that the place is only a few miles from the native place.

(2) This conveys that the person will travel hundreds of miles from his native place and remain there, for a few years.

(1) This tells that the possessor of this line will have to reside for many years in place thousands of miles away from his birth place.

Sometimes, all these 3 lines appear on the same hand. They indicate that the person's earnings, fame and wide tours will be closely related to the foreign place where he lives. If in addition, the fate line starts from the Moon above, the person is sure to forsake his parents and relations, life in a far distant place and finally end his life there.

In case the Mercury line is fine and appears to touch the travel line, it means that the person will follow commercial pursuits and in that behalf travel over foreign lands.

Fig. 27 (A,B). The person will have had travels in his boyhood, will have won the affections of other people and gained the experience of the world.

The fate line which begins from the side of the Moon indicates unnecessary travels and incidental strains. The person will be helpless and fickle minded. The cross lines over the Moon as shown in fig. 89 and crooked head line points to the above stated fruitless travels. Even when the head line has proceeded to the Moon mount, the person will have acquired the tour experience of all places of interest.

Fig. 114 (10). When a little above the bracelet we find the fish line it indicates that the person will have travels over the country, will visit holy places and imbibe reverence to God. When the fish line appears on the Venus mount, it tells that the person will travel to distant places, will be skilled conversationalist and receives the affection and monetary help of ladies in distant places. If the fish line is found on the fate line, the person will be a lover of travels. When in the spaces between the fate and life lines we notice the triangle and fish lines, the person will travel largely over foreign lands. When both the life and fate lines have proceeded from the side of the Luna mount, the person is sure to have sea-voyage.

Here, there are cross lines across the Moon and Venus mounts. The fate line seems oily. This tells that the individual suffers in his own place in boyhood from grief and privation; in a place different from his birth, he adopts many different strenuous occupations and experiences disgrace, discontent and the affliction of diseases. Thus, the hand very clearly indicates that boyhood itself is a period of great stress and strain.

Fig. 104. Here we find the fish line on mount Luna. This sign is a pointer to sea-voyage.

1. Fig. 105. The person will have sea voyage by virtue of the help of relations.

Fig. 24 (A). The sea voyage contributes to the promotion of the person's fame, education and wealth.

When we notice the triangle over mount Mercury and the Sun line proceeds to mount Luna, the person will go on travel abroad.

When the Sun, Mercury and fate lines unite and triangles are formed, the person will have travels for training in some technical profession.

When there is a whorl on the Mercury, Sun or Jupiter fingers or the thumb, Sun and Mercury fingers, and the Sun line has proceeded to the percussion, the person will have the luck of sea voyage.

When the Sun line occurs as indicated above and the mounts of Mercury and Moon are fine and broad, the person will have the fortune of travel to distant countries. If in the Jupiter, Sun fingers and thumb, we find the whorl (wheel) and there is a subsidiary fate line issuing from the Moon, the person is sure to have the chance of travel to distant states.

When the bracelet has largely proceeded to the Moon mount, the person will have the luck of travel to remote countries for diversion and amusement.

Figures updated soon.

Nitin Kumar Palmist

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Signs Of Infertility & Impotency - Palmistry Children Lines

Palm Reading Children Gender    When a baby is born, it will already have some lines on its tiny hands, including those that reveal the children it may have when it grows up.

Palm Reading Children Gender 

When a baby is born, it will already have some lines on its tiny hands, including those that reveal the children it may have when it grows up. It is sometimes possible to predict with remarkable accuracy whether or not you will have children, how many you will have and even their sex from the lines on the palm.

Palm Reading Children Pregnancy 

There are certain lines on the hand that are concerned with children. It is important to bear in mind, however, that what is revealed may not always correspond with actual offspring. Α соuple may share a love of their pets, for example. When two people are deeply involved with each other emotionally, they may have ideas that they both care about passionately. The fruits of their combined interests can manifest on the hands as Lines of Children.

Children lines:  Lines of children are thin, vertical lines found immediately above the line of affection.

As many people use contraception to plan their families these days, the lines depicting children can be possibilities that have not been taken up. When you are looking at hands in this regard, be careful not to raise hopes that may be Explain that potential children are shown on the palm and that to have them or not is mostly cl matter of choice.

Although these lines can be found on the hands of both Sexes, they are more usual on women's hands. However, when they do appear on a man's hands, it means that he is, or will be, very fond of his children.

The Lines of Children are finely marked, upright lines (see below left), usually found immediately above a Line of Affection. They can be very fine, so it is often a good idea to press this area of the skin gently between your fingertips to see which of these small lines stands out most clearly. It can also be useful to use a magnifying glass. The Lines of Children are read from the outer edge of the palm inwards. The one nearest to the outer edge will be the first-born.

How Many Children Will I Have Prediction

The Lines of Children are finely marked, upright lines (see below left), usually found immediately above a Line of Affection. They can be very fine, so it is often a good idea to press this area of the skin gently between your fingertips to see which of these small lines stands out most clearly. It can also be useful to use a magnifying glass. The Lines of Children are read from the outer edge of the palm inwards. The one nearest to the outer edge will be the first-born.

When there are many fine lines on the area of the palm associated with children, it can have two possible meanings. A person destined to be child who loves and with children птау feel so close to them that they will show on the hand. Beloved children of relatives can also be marked on the hand. A love of children is also revealed when the Finger of the Sun () is quite long in relation to the other fingers. Many tiny lines can also indicate great fertility. In the past, when a lack of birth control meant that it was not unusual to have a very large family, each tiny line would probably have represented a child.

An adopted child can also register on the palm as a child of one's own. As adopted children are always wanted by the adoptive parents, the line representing the child can be very close to the Line of Heart.

Line of Son in Hand And Palmistry Son Daughter Lines 

Boys are indicated by long, broad and deep lines; shorter, fine and narrow lines show girls. The illustration (left) shows three children: two boys and a girl.

When one of the Lines of Children is straight, it tells of a child who will be strong and healthy; if it is very faint, wavy or crooked, then the child may have a rather delicate constitution. A small island at the beginning of the line can mean that the baby may not be robust at birth, but will set stronger as the line becomes clear of the island.

If one of the Lines of Children touches the Line of Heart (see top left), it means that the owner of the palm may love the child more than the husband or wife. When there are two or more Lines of Children, It touching the Line of Heart can also indicate that the parent loves this child more than the others. This is particularly likely if the other Lines of Children start above the Line of Heart.

A Line of Children touches the Line of Heart shows the owner may love the child more the the spouse.

If the line travels up the Finger of Mercury and is cut deeply into the palm (see middle left), it can mean that the child will go forth into the world and achieve much. If the line veers towards the Finger of the Sun (), it is possible that the child will be well-known.

Children line travels up the finger of Mercury showing that the child will go far in life.

Palm Reading Children Lines Twins 

Twins are indicated by two little lines rising from one point (see bottom In left). Identical twins would show as two such lines that are exactly the same. Twins of both sexes will show in one line being darker than the other. In twins of the same sex, one is often stronger; this is revealed when one line is cut less deeply into the palm.

Twins are shown in two lines of children that rise from the same point.

On the hands of parents with grow-up children, a Line of Children can "grow' another line close to it, which represents the partner of the child. As the relationship strengthens, so will the line, especially if the parent is fond of the daughter-in or son-in-law. It is We 11 possible to see grandchildren on the hand. These manifest as tiny lines close to the Line of Children.

Lines of Children that stand independently from the Lines of Heart and Affection are a good sign. Such a line suggests that the child's development will not be hindered by harmful parental influences. If there is to be a problem conceiving a child, it can correspond with a triangular arch shape rising from the first rascette or bracelet on the wrist; or there may be a total lack of Lines of Children altogether.

Nitin Kumar Palmist

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What Is The Meaning Of St. Andrews Cross Palmistry

What Is The Meaning Of St. Andrews Cross Palmistry
StAndrew's cross

As you know, cross is an inauspicious sign but gives good results on Mount of Jupiter and as St. Andrew's cross.

StAndrew's crossThe StAndrew's cross. A cross at the bottom of the life line which touches both it and the fate line is called the StAndrew's cross. StAndrew's cross is found on the hands of people who have saved the life of others.

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Indian Palmistry | Hindu Signs & Marks On Hand

Hindu signs on hand

Secret Of Hindu Signs And Marks On Hand In Indian Palmistry

In Indian Palmistry there are so many auspicious (lucky) signs on hand indicates wealth and fame.  Some of them are fish sign, flag sign, swastika, mandir, temple, til, trishul, yavmala, yav, talwar (sword), damaru, shankh, snake line, mirror, ghada, dhanusha, chakara, macchli, trikon, darpan, devyan, jahaj, tree, paalki, kachua, mayur, hathi, pataka, garuda, rath, chanwar, sarp, taraju, kamal, lotus, aur teer.

All these are fortunate signs as per Hindu Palmistry.  But you will mostly find only few of them on hand.

As per Samdurik Shastra above Hindu Signs are good for subject's career, subject is wealthy, visit abroad, famous, successful businessman.  Mostly you will find these signs on hand of leaders, politicians, famous person, rich and actors, etc.

Read here - 5 Lucky Signs On Hand

Some of them are difficult to trace or find on hand.  Some of them are animal related signs on hand which are present on hand in different shape.

Trikon, trishul, yavmala, yav, fish sign are easy to find on hand.

Also there are few inauspicious signs on hand and dosh on hand.

Read Here - 5 Unlucky Signs On Hand 

If you want to know meaning of all Hindu Signs on hand then read this article "Hindu Signs And Symbol On Hand"

If you want to learn about Hindus Signs on hand in Hindi then read this article "32 Hindu Signs On Hand In Hindi"

Nitin Kumar Palmist

Different Types Of Marriage Lines & Different Types Of Signs On Marriage Line

marriage line questions and answers

Different Types Of Marriage Lines And Different Types Of Signs On Marriage Line

Common Questions Related To Marriage Line

If your question is related to marriage line and your question is same as below questions then visit here - Full Interpretation Of Marriage Line 

  • Palmistry: What does it mean when my marriage line crosses my heart line on my hand?
  • I am a female, according to palmistry which hand should I refer for marriage line?
  • Palmistry: There are three marriage lines on my right hand and 1 on left hand, 2 are light on the left hand. What does it mean?
  • I have a split marriage line in left hand and a single straight marriage line on the right one. How should I interpret it as?
  • What is meaning of trident at the end of marriage line in palmistry?
  • What does the second marriage line on the palm represent?
  • What is the meaning of a mole below a marriage line?
  • Do I have the love/marriage line on my hand?
  • If a female has one marriage line in both hands, what does it mean?
  • I have 3 marriage lines in both hands, what does it mean? I’m a female.
  • Palmistry: There are 2 marriage lines on my right hand and 1 on left hand. What does it mean?
  • What represents upward marriage lines?
  • There are two parallel marriage lines of equal length on both hands what does that mean?
  • What does it mean when your husband has two large marriage lines in the marriage line area, like you, but than in between his marriage lines are two smaller lines?
  • What is the meaning if marriage line split from the starting point itself to two different lines (fork) in palmistry?
  • What does a triangle on a marriage line mean (palmistry)?
  • What does it mean when a marriage line reaches the Saturn mount?
  • On the inside of a hand, what does a single and clear marriage line represent?
  • What happens when the marriage line is going to touch a heart line in the left hand for girls?
  • What does three marriage lines on right hand indicates?
  • I have two marriage lines on the right hand and 3 on the left hand. Is there any meaning to this?
  • Do people with a fork at the end of the marriage line have to face divorce?
  • What if you have a downward bending marriage line? Is it all true what we read about it in the internet and other books?
  • What if the marriage line gets connected to the hear line? Though the connected lines are not that deep?
  • What does two parallel marriage lines mean, one being with a tiny break?
  • What does it mean if there are two marriage lines but one line is fainter and the other is deeper?
  • Will marriages with the same person, in different times and places, show as different marriage lines on someone’s right palm?
  • If on my right hand I have one marriage line and on my left hand I have two of them, then what does it mean?
  • What does it mean if on my left hand, my marriage line is forked out at the end and beneath it I have another line but on my right hand, I have only one marriage line which is straight? Does it indicate a divorce? I’m a female.
  • Which one is the marriage line? How do I check if there is marriage in my life? I am 36, still not married, and a lot of pressure is going on in my life about getting married.
  • What does it mean if my marriage line on the left hand is forked at the end and the lower fork line is extending long but the upper fork line isn't that long?
  • What does it indicate if I have 3 marriage lines in my right, one pretty short, other one long with a faint fork at the end and one branch bent downward and the last line pretty close to the little finger bent upward touching little finger base ring?
  • What does it mean if my marriage line shows marriage at the age of 33 and my fiance's shows marriage at the age of 29, keeping in mind that there is a 5-year age gap between us? Are we not meant to be?
  • What are some of the best and creative marriage proposal lines?
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