1) The line of Life - Jeevan Rekha
2) The line of Head - Mastak Rekha
3) The line of Heart - Hridya Rekha
4) The line of Fate - Bhagya Rekha
4) The line of Fate - Bhagya Rekha
5) The line of Sun - Surya Rekha
6) The line of Marriage - Vivah Rekha
7) The line of Intuition - Atinendriya Rekha
7) The line of Intuition - Atinendriya Rekha
8) The line of Health - Swasthya Rekha
9) The line of Mars - Mangal Rekha
10) The Girdle of Venus - Shukar Valay
10) The Girdle of Venus - Shukar Valay
11) The Rascette - Manibandh