Bad Marriage Indications On Hand Palmistry
1. Curved lifeline at the starting but straight at the end.
2. Head line starts from Mount of Lower Mars, • Gap between head line and lifeline is around 8 mm, • Wavy head line, • headline and lifeline join till around 8-20 mm.
3. Many marriage lines, absent of marriage line, bad sign on marriage line.
4. Heart line starts from Mount of Saturn, branch of heart line joins head line or goes towards Lower Mars.
5. Island on fate line (at starting), thick fate line, fate line ends on heart line or head line.
6. Overdeveloped Mount Of Venus or flat Mount of Venus (veins visible) and also net on it.
7. Long Mount of Moon and bad sign on it.
8. Low angle between Index finger and thumb (less than 50 degree) and first phalange of thumb is thick and longer than second phalange.
9. Low set index finger and ring finger or defected little finger.
10. No barely sign on thumb's joint.