Indications Of Sudden Death Or Unnatural Death Or Premature Death - Life Line On Palm
There are few signs on hand which indicates major accidents or life threatening incidents but we cannot predict sudden death from hand lines, palmistry.
Suppose if bracelet lines are not good and accident lines are present on hand then there are always chances of unnatural accident (injury through stamped or animal or due to fallen, etc).
More information about short life line and long life line here.
Yes sometimes we can predict about miscarriage and abortion but it is not ethical to predict premature death, etc.
We can collect information about subject's health and family from lifeline but we cannot predict death from lifeline.
We can only assume or warn the subject to be careful from life-threatening incident in future.
Suppose if Moon mount is not good (bad sign on it) then there are always chances of kidney and urinary related disorders or chances of drowning, etc.
Suppose if Mars mount is not good (bad sign on it) then there are always chances of accident, etc.
Suppose if Saturn mount is not good (bad sign on it) then there are always chances of suicide, depression and anxiety, etc.